Category Archives: Addiction

Visualizing Addiction

visualizing addiction

People suffering from addiction never set out to become addicts.  Addiction is a process that happens over time, without a person’s conscious awareness. An individual doesn’t realize how many drinks they are having, cigarettes they are smoking, or drugs they are buying.  By the time an individual starts questioning if they may be addicted, the […]

Relapse: What Is the Cause, and What Prevents It?

Relapse: What Is the Cause

Concern about relapse is common for recovering addicts and their loved ones. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 40-60 percent of those in recovery will relapse. ( There are many causes for relapse and practices to help prevent the possibility.    Addiction: Addiction is a chronic disease, and recovery is a life-long process. […]

Daily Activities That Support Life, and How to Reprioritize Yourself

Daily Activities That Support Life

The struggle with addiction and mental health issues can be all-consuming. It can leave us neglecting ourselves and abandoning life-affirming activities that once brought us balance and joy.    Once we have asked for help, and have started to receive support, questions regarding what to do with ourselves and our time may arise.    What […]

Watch Your Language! Tips on Talking to Someone With Addiction


Avoid Words of Fear and Consequence  When talking to someone suffering from addiction, keep in mind that they are going through one of the most trying times in their lives. Using the language of fear is nothing new and most likely has already been on repeat in their minds. Rather, keep things positive. Instead of […]

Addiction in the LBGTQ Community


The LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) community is at higher risk for substance abuse than the heterosexual population. This risk is due to issues surrounding homosexuality in the United States. Consequently, the LGBTQ community is at a higher risk of having mental health disorders that lead to substance abuse and addiction.    Contributing factors […]

Effects of Addiction on Family

family affected by addiction

Addiction impacts the entire family. Substance abuse co-occurring with psychiatric disorders can make matters even worse, taking a toll on everyone involved.    Substance abuse affects the family unit emotionally and financially, destroying relationships once central to the addict’s life.   Emotional Impact Family members experience emotions ranging from guilt and embarrassment to confusion, denial, […]

Self Compassion: How Can I Help My Son Love Himself Through His Recovery?

How Can I Help My Son Love Himself Through His Recovery?

Practicing self-compassion does not come easily. Addicts and people in recovery experience self-loathing and negative feelings towards themselves. Guilt, shame, and feeling like a failure or disappointment are persistent thoughts in the mind of an addict. Abusing drugs and alcohol becomes a means to cope with and manage these feelings, as well as any pain […]

In Addiction Recovery, How Is Pain Managed?

In Addiction Recovery

A lot of medications used to treat pain and ADHD are habit-forming and have the potential for substance abuse. How can discomfort due to injuries and pain be managed without increasing the risk of relapsing? Pain management and care is the most common reason people seek medical attention. For people in recovery, the risk of […]