Category Archives: Addiction

What Should You Ask Yourself When Choosing a Treatment Center?

Choosing a treatment center is very important. All of them are built differently and they all treat different disorders. Before it is time to admit yourself to a treatment center, it is important to think of some questions to ask yourself and the treatment center when you do your research so that you go to […]

Why Trauma Can Turn Into Addiction and How to Find Support

Twins and Addiction

Men are not immune to dealing with trauma. They are maybe less likely to be vocal about the residual challenges abuse leaves them with but they are still impacted. The daily struggle to cope with the mental and physical issues related to past trauma can manifest in anger, anxiety, worry, and other concerns. Some men […]

What it Means to Make Positive Choices in Recovery

mental health

There are not always ‘right’ choices but there are better choices. Ones that help you get closer to your goals and support your journey of healing. Every day is a choice, with thousands of choices to be made in each moment. While nobody is perfect or makes the best choices at every turn, there certainly […]

Why Workaholism is Not Just About the Work

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

The soul does not sustain work alone, on good thoughts and deeds, or anything else by itself. What is needed is a mixture of people, places, and things that give good balance and structure to your day. Addiction becomes a one-sided game where it distorts the reality of life and often leads to difficult relationships […]

How to Deal with ADHD and Addiction with Healthy Tools

What is Producer Joey Youngman’s Story on Anxiety and Addiction Recovery?

If you have a struggle with addiction, you might also struggle with mental health conditions. Some people have a challenge dealing with ADHD, a condition that causes decreased concentration, hyperactivity, and may have ramifications for the rest of their lives. Combined with addiction, it can be a devastating combination. To deal with treating both, it […]

What is the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction?

What is the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

Cognitive dissonance is a big psychology term, but it basically means a conflict between a person’s belief and the opposing desire for something. Conflict resolution in the mind looks a lot like wrestling with how to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way within the mind and have peace in the body. Learning to do […]

Knowing the Difference Between Vaping and Smoking Matters

Why Do We Need Structure?

Men are not all prone to taking more risks when it comes to their health. Some things simply appeal to them or maybe marketing is directed more at them than women. Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs have seen a huge increase in popularity over smoking cigarettes. Both are still popular with young men but vaping is […]

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

Men and women use substances and mental health issues can also plague both genders. Men are particularly high risk for addiction if they have certain conditions present. That does not mean they are going to be addicted to substances or experience mental health issues. It just means they are more likely to struggle and there […]

How to Handle Stress at Celebrations for People in Recovery

How to Handle Stress at Celebrations for People in Recovery

Celebrations—whether a friend’s birthday party, a holiday event, or an anniversary dinner—can be enjoyable experiences filled with thankfulness and gratitude. But they can just as easily feel awkward and uncomfortable and be riddled with stress-triggers. Crowded rooms, loud or annoying people, and lots of drinking—little landmines like these are potential triggers for stress, and collectively […]

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

When we think about recovery from active addiction, we tend to think about twelve step meetings, counseling sessions, and connecting with a power greater than ourselves. Indeed, these are crucial to our recovery and key to beginning our spiritual growth. Also important to our recovery is our physical health. Although we sometimes think of our […]