Category Archives: Addiction

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

Barriers to Seeking Treatment If you are suffering from the disease of addiction and you are reluctant to get help, you’re not alone. A recent government survey reported that, of the nearly 23 million people with substance use disorder, only about 10 percent of them received treatment. This suggests that vast majority of people in […]

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

After completing treatment for methamphetamine addiction, the next stage is recovery bringing with it some difficult challenges, especially in the first few weeks. Those recovering from long-term meth abuse will experience cravings and triggers in various forms and will need immense support and coping skills to stay committed to their sobriety. Here are some tips […]

MDMA: The Neurobiology and Dangers of Ecstasy  

MDMA: The Neurobiology and Dangers of Ecstasy  

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), or commonly referred to as “ecstasy” or “molly,” is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy and pleasure as well as distorted sensory […]

Why are 12 Step Meetings an Important Part of Any Aftercare Program?

Why are 12 Step Meetings an Important Part of Any Aftercare Program?

Aftercare takes place following the completion of a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program. Each aftercare is designed to help the completing client to extend recovery beyond the safe confines of the initial treatment program. While the drug and alcohol counselor helps in crafting the client’s aftercare, the client has an equal say in what will be included […]

Bi-Polar Disorder and Addiction – What You Need To Know

Bi-Polar Disorder and Addiction - What You Need To Know

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.” Imbalanced chemicals in the brain, genetics, and trauma can cause bipolar disorder. Those who suffer from a mental health […]

How are Marijuana and Anxiety Related?

How are Marijuana and Anxiety Related?

No one enjoys the feelings produced by a state of anxiety, and for some anxiety suffers those feelings can become excruciating. It is tempting to seek out substances that, when ingested, will provide the anxiety relief we so desperately want. Because marijuana is has become popularly accepted as a natural remedy for many ailments, some […]

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

It doesn’t matter your socio-economic background, race or religion – losing a loved one is a painful human experience. Dealing with all of the grief surrounding death is brutal and for those in addiction recovery, grief can trigger a major relapse. Grief-related sadness, anger, and pain can cloud our ability to think clearly, and those […]

How do I Choose a Sponsor Who is Right for me?

How do I Choose a Sponsor Who is Right for me?

When we are newly sober and just beginning the journey of recovery, we are in need of a guide and mentor to help us navigate the unfamiliar waters of twelve step recovery. It is our responsibility to ask a member of our twelve step fellowship to sponsor us. Choosing a sponsor who is well suited […]

How Important is Diet to my Early Recovery?

How Important is Diet to my Early Recovery?

Diet—the food and drink we consume, and how frequently we consume it—is particularly important to those of us in the first 90 days of recovery. There is a lot of research to support the idea that our bodies, often badly malnourished by our drinking and using, are far more likely to heal fast if we […]

How Does Alcohol Make Anxiety Worse?

How Does Alcohol Make Anxiety Worse?

It’s easy to understand why people turn to drinking as a prescription for anxiety relief. When ingested, alcohol has a sedative effect on the drinker and causes the release of dopamine, a natural feel-good chemical produced in the body and brain. The resulting sense of wellbeing a drink or two brings us can indeed reduce […]