When thinking of Kevin Love, depression and anxiety weren’t things most people associated with the NBA All-Star. Love seemed to have it all; a professional sports career, fame, and a very comfortable income. Then in November 2017, the Cleveland Cavalier experienced his first panic attack while playing in a game against the Atlanta Hawks. Baffled […]
Category Archives: Depression
Severe mental illness, which includes bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, may put a person at increased risk for developing COVID-19. Living with unfamiliar and unprecedented rules related to quarantine and safety procedures that are now mandated is difficult enough for people who do not deal with mental health issues. Factor in a severe mental illness, and […]
A 2017 study conducted by psychologist Dr. Jon Elhai reveals a correlational relationship between frequent smartphone use and depression, anxiety, and stress, meaning either the symptoms of a mental health disorder cause increased usage or smartphone exposure increases these symptoms. Whether smartphones are a coping mechanism or a catalyst, spending too much time on them […]
The American Psychiatric Association reports that nearly 5% of adults living in the US experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a major depressive disorder that manifests symptoms during some seasons, namely fall and winter, but not all. Individuals with untreated SAD are at a higher risk of substance abuse, but knowing the symptoms and treatments for […]
Participation in social activities will benefit your recovery from substance addiction and associated mental health disorders. When you live alone, however, access to those activities are limited. While those who live with roommates or family members have constant access to socialization, you will have to seek it. Living alone is great, but because social groups […]
Now that it’s summertime, the days of winter are over which means that, with more sunlight and weather changes, those who battle with seasonal depression can begin recovering. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects approximately 4-6% of people in the United States. Those who live in more northern regions are more likely to experience symptoms of […]
Depression has the potential to make us feel completely worthless and alone. That’s why it’s so incredibly hard for those with depression to push through the fog. Studies have actually shown that depression is one of the largest occurrences for people across the world. Those with depression are at a greater likelihood of battling substance […]
Coffee is one of those ubiquitous things. Nowadays, everyone is running around with a mug full of ‘joe.’ This goes for everything from sugared drinks to high-end lattes to basic coffee in a mug. Coffee is everywhere. People who struggle with anxiety are often told to stop drinking caffeine, but it is hard when caffeine […]
Disconnection happens for many reasons. It can feel scary, but sometimes it also feels safer, less vulnerable, to be connected to others. When someone deals with addiction and mental health issues, they may not realize how disconnected they’ve become. They may connect with the wrong crowd that just tells them what they want to hear. […]
Anxiety expresses itself differently in men than women. It might look like isolation, or it might look like extreme frustration and worry. It can look like symptoms of OCD, obsessing over things or objects. There are many ways individuals can experience anxiety. Find out why the man in your life might have symptoms of anxiety […]