Category Archives: Recovery

Five Reasons to See the Positive in Today (and Every Day)

Five Reasons to See the Positive in Today (and Every Day)

Addiction recovery involves a lot of ups and downs that can sometimes feel challenging to push through – especially if you are also battling with mental illness, such as anxiety and depression, or even just having a stressful day. Life in recovery is often a roller coaster, with soaring highs that are followed just as […]

Sleep and Routine: Finding Stability in Recovery

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

Whether we realize it at the time or not, addiction truly does throw our body and mind out of balance. Our lives become chaotic and unmanageable at times – and once the ball has started rolling, it can be impossible to get back on track. We may fail to follow through with our responsibilities, struggle […]

How Do I Build a Healthy Support System

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

Perhaps the Beatles said it best – “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Letting go of toxic, unhealthy relationships is an important part of recovery. But learning how to let new people into our lives who can help make us better is equally important – and sometimes it’s easier said than […]

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

Sometimes addiction provides us with a circle of people to spend time with, but they’re not necessarily what’s best for us. They may stick around when we’re up for partying – but quickly fade away from the scene once sobriety is sought. One of the more challenging aspects of recovery is learning to let go […]

Why Anxiety Can Cripple Us in Addiction Recovery

Why Anxiety Can Cripple Us in Addiction Recovery

When we experience anxiety, we often go through a number of physical symptoms – headaches, nausea, rapid heartbeat, shakiness, dizziness, paranoia, and more. When anxiety hits, it can truly feel like you’re having a heart attack. People in addiction recovery often struggle with anxiety for a number of reasons. Multiple studies have found that about […]

What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

Mindfulness has become a sort of “buzzword” across social media recently. Nonetheless, it is an incredibly important practice that can shape your life if you allow it to. Mindfulness is defined as the ability to stay tuned into the present moment. This can be unnerving at times, especially if you struggle with anxiety, depression, or […]

Five Ways That Meditation Can Improve Mental Health and Recovery

Five Ways That Meditation Can Improve Mental Health and Recovery

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” -Buddha Meditation has become a common practice in the United States, but it wasn’t always that way. Eastern cultures have embraced this type of holistic practice for thousands of years. Now we are finally discovering the […]

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

We hear of others telling their stories in recovery all the time – but you may be thinking, “Why should I do this?” Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or have been working towards sobriety for quite some time, it’s an important question to ask yourself. Sharing your story is a vulnerable task. […]

The Ups and Downs of Recovery for Family

Options for Funding Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

When a person battles with addiction, their family members – those who are closest to them – face many emotions that can be characterized almost as feeling as though they’re on a roller coaster. The addicted family member and those within the family may be wondering, “How did this happen?”, “What am I supposed to […]