Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do People with Social Anxiety Disorder Fear the Dinner Table?

Do People with Social Anxiety Disorder Fear the Dinner Table?

Mealtimes can be anxiety-provoking for practically anyone. There are many social eating situations over which people sometimes experience anxiety. Many people anxiously anticipate meals with coworkers, clients, a wedding rehearsal dinner or an attractive coworker’s birthday bash. But for people with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and related eating disorders, dinners with others can be both […]

What is Vaping?

What is Vaping?

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains, “vaping” is a form of electronic cigarette use – also known as “e-cigs”, “vape pens”, or “e-hookahs”. Despite the ever-growing warning alerts that government and community organizations are sending out regarding traditional cigarette use, e-cigarettes and “vaping” have become more and more popular and are […]

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Developed a Tolerance for a Drug?

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Developed a Tolerance for a Drug?

Tolerance is defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as, “A state in which an organism no longer responds to a drug; a higher dose is required to achieve the same effect.” All too often, tolerance begins to develop when a person doesn’t even realize it; they’ve begun using alcohol or other drugs […]

How Is the Limbic System Affected by Addiction?

How Is the Limbic System Affected by Addiction?

The University of Queensland in Australia explains that the limbic system is, “…Part of the brain involved in our behavioral and emotional responses, especially when it comes to behaviors we need for survival; feeding, reproduction, and caring for our young, and fight or flight responses.” The limbic system is greatly responsible for the way we […]

Combatting the Opioid Epidemic with Community Support Efforts

Combatting the Opioid Epidemic with Community Support Efforts

It’s no secret that the opioid epidemic has taken thousands of lives each year; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explains that in 2017, a total of 11.4 million people abused prescription opioids – with over 130 people dying each day from this tragic occurrence. With so many people losing their friends, children, […]

What Role Does the Hippocampus Play in Addiction?

What Role Does the Hippocampus Play in Addiction?

For over 4 centuries now, humans have studied the brain and the hippocampus; sources state that the name comes from the Greek word hippo, which means “horse” and kampo, which means “monster” – as the hippocampus is shaped similar to a seahorse. A part of the limbic system, the hippocampus is symmetrical and comes in […]

How Common is Driving While Intoxicated?

How Common is Driving While Intoxicated?

We hear of unfortunate cases all of the time; in the news, on social media, through friends and family – it’s devastating, and it happens more than we’d like to admit. Substances have a way of affecting a region in the brain that’s responsible for executive functioning (such as critical thinking skills, assessing consequences of […]

What is the Difference Between Dependence and Addiction?

What is the Difference Between Dependence and Addiction?

In the world of addiction recovery, it becomes an intense, complex dialogue when people begin discussing what constitutes as dependence versus addiction. It’s a rather highly debated topic – because some would say that they’re one in the same. If we turn to highly qualified resources, such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), […]

What Cognitive Deficits Can Alcoholism Cause?

What Cognitive Deficits Can Alcoholism Cause?

While it doesn’t happen right away, long-term substance abuse of any kind can cause some significant deficits. Alcoholism is a complex and dynamic disease, with so many factors that can influence a person’s vulnerability to it. The types of dysfunction that can derive from alcoholism may range from mild to severe – but by knowing […]

Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?

Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?

For so many years, it was a commonly held belief that those who battled with addiction chose to do so – and it’s perpetuated harmful stigmas surrounding moral strength, laziness, etc. Scientists have been studying the realm of addiction for well over a decade and have found that while the initial substance use is in […]