Category Archives: Uncategorized

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Surviving a Car Accident?

Being in a car accident can actually be a very traumatic experience. Some mental health symptoms can occur at the scene of the accident or days or weeks after. It is important to recognize these troubling feelings you are having after a car accident so that you can manage them. What is the Aftermath of […]

Why Are the Elderly at Risk For Suicide?

People may think that the elderly live relaxed lives now that they have retired. The Centers for Disease Control says that out of 85,000 people that took their lives in 2017, over 47,000 were ages 65 and older. By learning why the elderly are at risk for suicide, there is a higher chance for more […]

If Different Kinds of Alcohol Create Different Reactions

In the 1700s England, gin was considered a “mother’s ruin” because it was thought to only affect women compared to men. The truth is there should be no difference in what certain types of alcohol can make you feel. It is important to understand that all alcohol is a depressant that can leave you feeling […]

How Do I Support My Partner After Losing Their Job?

When your partner is the one who brings in the money or makes more money, losing their job can bring about anxiety in a relationship. This can lead to sensitive conversations about what to do about work or how to pay off their finances. Patience and support is a great way for your relationship to […]

Where Do Teens Stash Their Drugs in Secret?

One of the symptoms of addiction is lying. Parents may not be aware of their child’s addiction or of their secret hiding places in their room. By knowing where your child may keep their stash of drugs, you will know for sure whether or not your child is addicted to drugs and can get them […]

A Restaurant Leader Rehabilitates Those in the Restaurant Industry

Eighteen years ago, restaurateur Steve Palmer was strung out on alcohol and cocaine. He was given the choice of either job termination or rehab. After Palmer made the choice of rehab, he used what he learned in treatment to not just help himself but other people struggling with addiction and mental illness in the restaurant […]

How Twitter Can Predict Loneliness

Loneliness is not an issue that should be taken lightly as it can cause heart disease, stroke, dementia, and depression. With people being more comfortable posting their thoughts on social media, a new study showed how people who post about relationship problems, substance abuse, sleep issues, and mental health are revealing their loneliness. By paying […]

How Construction Working Can Make You Prone to Addiction

It can be tough and demanding to be a construction worker. It can be even more challenging when your job causes you to succumb to addiction. It is important for construction workers to seek help for their addiction so that they can have a clear mind and optimal performance for work. Study Reveals Addiction Among […]