We all procrastinate sometimes, most often to delay doing something we know we have to get done. Instead of getting work done, you may play on your phone, eat a snack when you are not hungry, make plans, and more. However, when procrastination interferes with your daily life, it may be a sign something deeper is going on. Procrastination can be a sign you are struggling with a mental health disorder, and it’s essential to seek mental health treatment to avoid skipping out on important tasks that need to be done.


Reasons For Procrastinating


You may procrastinate to avoid completing important tasks like getting work done or any other time-consuming project. You may be feeling anxious about a particular task, like calling a friend after a fight, because you are afraid to talk about it. You may also be insecure about completing a task like writing a paper you are scared to start because you think it will be too challenging to complete. If you are struggling with depression, you may lack the motivation to get the job done and instead decide to sleep or find a mind-numbing distraction to get out of your important task. 


When Procrastination Becomes a Problem


Procrastination may be a problem in your life if you notice you are not getting anything done on time. Procrastination can affect your academic performance if you are not studying for tests or turning in assignments on time or your job performance if you can’t get work tasks completed. Compulsive lying may also be a part of your procrastination if you consistently tell people that you already completed a task when you have not. 


How to Take Control of Procrastination 


It is essential first to determine why it is you keep putting things off. For example, maybe you are putting off work projects because you are afraid to tell your boss you are struggling with them. It is also crucial to speak to a therapist if procrastination is taking over your life. A therapist can give you tools to manage your procrastination through therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that help change unhealthy thought patterns. Taking control of your mental health will further prevent any procrastination going forward.


Procrastination occurs when we put off doing essential tasks. Procrastination can often be a sign of a mental health struggle such as anxiety or depression that makes us too scared or too sad to complete a task. It is crucial to speak to a mental health professional if procrastination takes over your life. At Alta Loma, we understand how challenging mental health can be, especially when it interferes with daily life, and we are here to help. Located in Georgetown, Texas, we can offer you individualized therapy, coping skills education, therapeutic recreational activities, and more. Call (866) 457-3843 for more information.