If you are depressed, you may not want to get out of bed this morning. Whether you like your job or not, you are experiencing worthlessness from your depression which will not make you work your best. It is important, to be honest about your depression and set small goals for yourself so that you can feel emotionally ready the next time you go to work.
Talk About Your Depression
You may be scared to let your boss know about your depression in fear you will come off as weak or get fired. The truth is that it is best to be upfront with your boss about it than trying to hide it. This way, you do not have to lie about the therapy appointments you have and why you feel the need to step out. Let your boss know that you have tools to help with your depression if you feel like an episode is coming on like stepping outside and taking a five-minute walk or getting some air. Having an honest relationship with your boss is the best one you can have.
Set Your Own Deadlines
When you are working on your own projects, set little deadlines for what needs to be done and when. You can prioritize it from, the easiest task that you can get through quickly to more time-consuming tasks. You can either let your boss know about the deadlines you set for yourself or a fellow co-worker. This will help you feel more at ease when tackling big projects. It will also help you in knowing that another person is well aware of what you set out for instead of thinking you are lagging in responsibility.
Cross Off Your Checklist
Once you have discovered the deadlines you want to set for yourself, write them down. Make it your mission to check off each item on this list. Accomplishing one or two things during the day can make a difference in that you got something done. It will make you feel more motivated to cross more things off your list. It can be things like sending emails out as well as setting or attending a meeting. You can use your strength to make sure that your depression does not ruin your career. Being in control of your depression will help you be in control of your work performance and not letting your depression get you down.
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