Our personalities are what define us as individuals and make us unique. There are those who are shy and quiet, others who are outgoing and boisterous, and some who are ambitious and driven. These personality types aren’t mutually exclusive, and many of us express traits that vary throughout our lives. But sometimes, rigid and unhealthy patterns of thinking, feeling or behaving can become embedded within our personalities, making it difficult to relate to others or function normally. When this happens, it’s known as a personality disorder, a mental health condition that can make day-to-day interactions a challenge.

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What are Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by ways of thinking or behaving that are unhealthy, destructive or maladaptive. Symptoms usually emerge during the teenage years or early adulthood, but vary depending on the specific personality disorder involved. Types of personality disorders are classified into three clusters based on similar characteristics.

  • Cluster A disorders are characterized by eccentric, paranoid or schizoid behaviors
  • Cluster B disorders are characterized by dramatic, attention-seeking, overly emotional or unpredictable habits and behaviors
  • Cluster C disorders are characterized by anxious or obsessive tendencies

Numerous individuals display signs of one or multiple personality disorders, with symptoms varying from mild to severe. A precise diagnosis entails examining prolonged patterns of thoughts or actions diverging from cultural norms and tackling any accompanying conditions like depression, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, or substance abuse.

Types of Personality Disorders

There are several different types of personality disorders, and while the signs and symptoms vary, they often lead to behaviors that differ from accepted social norms. Those with a personality disorder tend to act one way — either inappropriately or destructively — and struggle to understand why others don’t do the same. Since their behavior seems reasonable to them, they tend to have a different view of the world and fail to see the consequences of their actions, causing friction or distress in social situations. Without treatment, the lasting impact can create significant challenges in their personal or professional lives. It is important to seek treatment early for a faster recovery.

About the Different Types of Personality Disorders

The mental health experts at Alta Loma have experience with a number of personality disorders and can help residents effectively manage their symptoms. We can also help those with a co-occurring disorder or a dual diagnosis that includes autism spectrum disorders, which often appear alongside other mental health issues. A few commonly-known personality disorders that we can treat include the following, but this isn’t exhaustive.

Cluster B Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder 

Characterized by severe emotional instability, a distorted or volatile self-image and impulsive behavior; often causes stormy relationships with others. They have difficulty maintaining stable relationships.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder 

Characterized by an inflated self-image and illusion of superiority; often leads to entitlement and an excessive need for praise and admiration.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Characterized by a lack of empathy or concern for others and manipulative behavior; individuals often struggle to feel guilt or remorse.

Histrionic Personality Disorder 

Characterized by a desire to be noticed and a sense of self-esteem that depends on others; often leads to dramatic or provocative behavior.

Cluster C Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder 

Characterized by feelings of social inhibition or isolation and extreme shyness; individuals will often avoid social situations due to a fear of criticism or rejection.

Dependent Personality Disorder 

Defined by relying on others to fulfill emotional or physical requirements, individuals tend to shun solitude, questioning their capabilities and seeking ongoing validation.

Treating Personality Disorders at Alta Loma

Personality disorders are intricate conditions that typically necessitate specialized care. When left untreated, symptoms can lead to emotional distress and have a detrimental effect on one’s mental well-being. Some individuals may resort to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism, with research indicating that between 43 and 77 percent of those with a personality disorder also struggle with substance abuse.

At Alta Loma, we offer transformative services for women grappling with personality disorders and other mental health conditions. We create a secure, organized setting where residents can discover stability and optimism, tailoring our services to address the specific needs of each person who comes to us for help. By merging the knowledge of our psychiatric team with established methods and a highly individualized approach to healing, we can support individuals dealing with complex diagnoses and co-occurring disorders who may not have succeeded in other treatment centers.

Our program encompasses supportive housing and three distinct levels of treatment offerings at our clinical location. Some of the strategies we employ to assist residents in attaining enduring mental well-being include:

Integrated within our care programs are a range of effective modalities that help residents manage their symptoms and navigate the challenges of living with a personality disorder. By utilizing a multidisciplinary, holistic approach, our goal is to help each individual develop the skills, tools and knowledge they’ll need to heal and improve their overall quality of life.

Personality Disorders FAQ

Our identity is an ever-evolving work in progress made up of our daily thoughts, feelings and actions. Every person’s experience – from how we act to how we cope with everyday life – varies based on their surroundings, friends and other components that can shape us.

But if you find yourself having trouble forming relationships or dealing with day-to-day tasks consistently, then there may be a potential diagnosis for Personality Disorder.

Long-term and committed treatment for individuals with Personality Disorders is key to overcoming their emotional challenges. Many have failed at gaining help due to frustrating clinicians but staying focused on recovery helps overcome these hurdles and can lead many onto a better path.

Unstable relationships are a symptom of the condition, which stems from issues around identity – one minute feeling strongly about something or someone, only for that emotion to shift instantly.

Treatment is effective and beneficial for many people. Seeking a treatment team to discuss your issues may be the best way to assess whether or not Personality Disorder (PD) is an accurate diagnosis. Experienced professionals can work together to help those affected by BPD’s “negative attribution bias” notice that their intentions are not harmful. Empowering them with this knowledge opens up a world of growth potential!

People often struggle to distinguish between the signs of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar disorder due to their shared symptoms.

However, it is essential to note unique differences in each diagnosis – especially when looking at self-image and relationship considerations. Those with borderline personality typically experience an unstable sense of identity and chronic feelings of emptiness which have been evident for many years (although these can also come and go over time).

Conversely, those with bipolar disorder tend to display more episodic symptoms that come and go.

Those with Schizotypal Personality Disorder usually struggle in their social and personal relationships due to distorted thinking styles and unusual behaviors. Schizophrenia is more serious as it involves psychosis – such as false beliefs or hallucinations – and a lack of emotional expression.

Getting a tailored treatment can help alleviate even the most challenging symptoms of your personality disorder. With a team approach, we’ll ensure all aspects of your life get addressed – in other words, let’s tackle this together and see positive changes!

This may include Psychotherapy, medications and residential treatment programs.

Our Facilities & Programs

Our facilities are meticulously crafted to offer solace, recovery, and a feeling of belonging. From expansive, elegantly furnished bedrooms that guarantee seclusion and peace, to shared spaces that nurture relationships and companionship, each aspect has been meticulously planned to enhance the journey to well-being.

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You understand your needs best. If you have found yourself at a crossroads in your treatment and feel like your program options don’t fully understand you or aspects of your recovery, it’s time to contact the specialists at Alta Loma.

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