Treatment for mental health and addiction can involve multiple activities and approaches. Some alternatives that can supplement your treatment can be fun! Recreational therapy and other activities can give a boost to your recovery and energize your life. You can benefit from implementing recreational therapy into your treatment. 

The Benefits of Recreation

Here are some of the benefits of recreational therapy:

  • Exercise to boost your mood and release endorphins
  • Learn new activities can build your self-esteem
  • Gain self-confidence by engaging in challenging activities
  • Incorporate new passions into your life
  • Meet new friends or strengthen bonds with others by getting together
  • Find fun things to do that do not revolve around alcohol or drugs
  • Increase your frustration tolerance as you learn a new sport or activity
  • Build your positive self-talk to get through tough challenges
  • Foster the “mind-body” connection for effective healing and recovery
  • Sleep better by burning off excess negative energy and anxiety
  • Get out of your head by learning new things
  • Increase your metabolism and your overall energy levels
  • Decrease your boredom by getting involved in things outside your home
  • And many more benefits!

Recreational therapy can involve many different activities that get you moving and engaged in new activities. Recovery from addiction and mental health can include multiple activities intended to help you live a happy, fulfilling life. By incorporating recreational therapy into your treatment, you can gain the benefits of fun activities in your recovery. Get active and have fun in your recovery!

Recreational therapy can help you in your recovery in many ways. You can learn new ways to have fun without using alcohol or drugs. You can boost your energy and mood as you gain health benefits from engaging in new types of exercise. When you get involved in activities, you can get out of your head and burn off excess anxiety. Recreational therapy can include many different activities, like disc golf, bowling, basketball, or hiking. Recreational activities can also include things like going to sporting events or getting out into the community for fun. Alta Loma Transformational Services is here to help men dealing with addiction and mental illness. When we are addicted to alcohol or other substances, we may need to learn new ways to have fun during our treatment. We believe in incorporating recreational activities into our program to help you. For more information about our treatment programs, call us at (866) 457-3843 today.