Tag Archives: Children

Gender Differences in Substance Abuse

Arrows labeled men and women concept image for gender differences in substance abuse.
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Why is it Important for Kids to Have a Mental Health Day in Today’s World?


Recently, companies have been encouraging mental health days for their employees to be mentally fit. With the ongoing pandemic, kids have had to change their routine around distance learning, being isolated from their friends and family, not being able to participate in extracurriculars, and other changes while living in this uncertain world. Once kids start […]

How Can I Explain Addiction to Younger Children?

How Can I Explain Addiction to Younger Children?

Addressing mature topics with younger children can be daunting, but when a parent, sibling, or close relation struggles with substance addiction, the need to explain addiction may present itself. Explaining addiction to a young child may seem impossible, but providing them with the information and support they need in the early stages of life creates […]

Why Is It Hard For Parents to Spot Signs of Depression in Their Children?

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say that they have trouble recognizing depression in their child. These parents may feel like anything their child is feeling now will blow over when they get older. By recognizing the signs of depression in your child, you can do something early to ensure that your child will grow […]

How to Ask Your Child If They Are Suicidal?

If you feel like your child has been preoccupied with death, experiencing negative emotions, can hardly sleep, engaging in risky behaviors, social withdrawals, or anything else that has been troubling you, your child may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. You may be afraid to talk to your child about it because you think you will be […]

What is Important to Know About Anxiety in Children?

It can be hard for children to know whether or not they have anxiety as everyone experiences nervousness once in a while. Adults are able to notice the physical changes our body is going through during anxious episodes whereas kids may need guidance. By knowing if your child is experiencing anxiety, you will know to […]