Tag Archives: Choices

What Not to Say to Someone Struggling With Addiction

What Not to Say to Someone Struggling With Addiction

When someone you care about is struggling with addiction, it is only natural to want to empathize with them and say things that you think will make them feel better. However, without proper knowledge of addiction and what your loved one is going through, you may end up saying something that does more harm than […]

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

The choices our brain makes may seem smart, but could actually leave disastrous results for our bodies. For example, drugs and alcohol may have empty calories, but our brains still crave them because of how they make us feel. Recently, the University of Illinois decided to use a sea slug to study the cravings of […]

What it Means to Make Positive Choices in Recovery

mental health

There are not always ‘right’ choices but there are better choices. Ones that help you get closer to your goals and support your journey of healing. Every day is a choice, with thousands of choices to be made in each moment. While nobody is perfect or makes the best choices at every turn, there certainly […]