Tag Archives: Cocaine

Seeking Treatment for Crack Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive substance that can make recovery extremely challenging. Those that struggle with addiction to crack cocaine can feel hopeless, as if they will never recover. However, professional treatment restores hope for many by aiding the recovery process and helping breathe new life into those that have lost hope. By learning about […]

How Cocaine Addiction Affects Anxiety


Co-occurring disorders are not uncommon among those that have struggled with addiction. Often, individuals use drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms of a co-occurring mental health disorder. However, extended use of illicit substances can worsen symptoms rather than alleviate them. One such example of this is the effects of cocaine on anxiety. This popular […]

What Brain Cells are Related to Cocaine-Related Memories and Addiction?


Abusing drugs like cocaine can ruin neural pathways in the brain, resulting in cravings, or the desire to repeatedly use the drug. Even though neural pathways are always reshaping themselves, a new study has shown that there is a specific mechanism that leads to cravings for cocaine. Going into treatment for cocaine use can teach […]

How are Opioid Funds Being Used for Cocaine and Meth Addiction?

Thousands of people have been dying from opioid addiction in recent years. In most states west of the Mississippi, meth is the biggest killer with cocaine ranking third. Unfortunately, the funding for opioid treatment is required to cover meth and cocaine treatment as well. With such limited funding available to cover these deadly addictions, it’s […]