Tag Archives: Coffee

What Happens When You Give Up Drinking Coffee for 7 Days?

Why Is Treatment Necessary for Co-Occurring Disorders?

Coffee is one of those ubiquitous things. Nowadays, everyone is running around with a mug full of ‘joe.’ This goes for everything from sugared drinks to high-end lattes to basic coffee in a mug. Coffee is everywhere. People who struggle with anxiety are often told to stop drinking caffeine, but it is hard when caffeine […]

Where Men Can Go for Sober Fun This Summer

What Happens on Mushrooms?

When men are bored in recovery, interesting things can happen. Things that are good, and things that are not so good, but it is always better to veer towards the good. Getting outside is a great way to blow off some steam, expend energy, and just be in nature. If that’s not your thing, then […]