Tag Archives: Consequences

How to Deal with ADHD and Addiction with Healthy Tools

What is Producer Joey Youngman’s Story on Anxiety and Addiction Recovery?

If you have a struggle with addiction, you might also struggle with mental health conditions. Some people have a challenge dealing with ADHD, a condition that causes decreased concentration, hyperactivity, and may have ramifications for the rest of their lives. Combined with addiction, it can be a devastating combination. To deal with treating both, it […]

Consequences of Addiction in the Workplace: The Risks Our Loved Ones Face

Consequences of Addiction in the Workplace: The Risks Our Loved Ones Face

It typically begins with recreational use. We’re out having fun with a few friends, or we get home from work one day and we want to find a way to wind down. It feels so harmless – after all, we’re not abusing the substance yet and our intentions of using are quite simple. What happens […]