Tag Archives: Coping Mechanisms

Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Negative Emotions

facing negative emotions

Many try to avoid their negative emotions because they can make them feel depressed, anxious, worried, or stressed. However, while it may not be pleasant to feel these emotions, they are essential to experience both for your mental and physical health. Holding in negative emotions or avoiding them will only make them stronger, causing you […]

The Physical Signs of Anxiety

Physical Signs of Anxiety

Whether you or someone you know has experienced anxiety, understanding the physical symptoms can help identify when this feeling is present. While anxiety can cause physical and psychological symptoms to appear, knowing the physical symptoms can help you spot someone who needs help or realize that you need help. The symptoms of anxiety can often […]

Statements to Help Cope With Painful Flashbacks

Trauma Healing

When you experience flashbacks related to past trauma or other painful experiences, it can be challenging to get through them. Flashbacks often occur in those that have experienced past events that may have negatively impacted them and serve as a way for the brain to process what happened. Flashbacks will continue to come back until […]

Healthy Ways to Relieve Emotional Stress


This is a stressful time of year during a stressful year. COVID-19 is on the rise and the holidays and seasonal depression are here. As a recovering addict, you might be searching for the best way to manage your stress and maybe even let off some steam. It is important to acknowledge that you are […]

Alternative Indoor Activities to Help You Outrun Your Anxiety


With COVID-19 on the rise, you might find that you are unable to go to the gym for a workout. However, exercise is a critical part of maintaining control over mental health issues and addiction recovery. Working out releases endorphins that will make you feel better and help you stay positive. Below are some tricks […]

Balancing Seasonal, Holiday, and COVID Related Depression


A lot is going on in the world right now. We’re in a pandemic, the holidays are coming, and many people are suffering from seasonal depression as we experience less sunlight during the winter months. It’s a stressful time of year in normal circumstances, and this year seems to be even more stressful due to […]

Staying Sober During the Holidays


The holidays are finally here! Whether you’ve been waiting in excitement or you’ve been quietly dreading them, you cannot stop the holiday season from arriving. The holiday season is a time of year filled with temptations. You may be coping with how to celebrate the holidays now that you’re sober, or you may be coping […]

How Can You Prevent Post-Vacation Blues?

Vacation Blues

If you recently returned from vacation, chances are that you had a good time. Unfortunately, as soon as you open the door to your home, you may get a persistent feeling of depression. By paying attention to what is causing your post-vacation blues, you can recover from them and reinvent your life.  Reasons We Get […]

Tips for Dealing With Stress and Anxiety


Stress and anxiety can impact both your mental and physical health. You might be able to manage your feelings of stress and anxiety by tapping into your physical body. Your mind and body are connected. When you feel good, you usually feel good all over. You feel happiness in your thoughts and mind as well […]

What Is Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

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