Tag Archives: Coping Mechanisms

Getting Out of Your Head and Finding the Right Direction

Various Therapies

We often get bogged down with small details. We might focus more on how we will get to where we are going rather than focusing on our destination. When starting recovery and deciding to enter treatment, we might have many questions about the finer details. We might have preconceived notions about recovery that can prevent […]

What Role Does the Political Climate Play in Substance Reliance?

What Role Does the Political Climate Play in Substance Reliance?

According to a June 2020 study conducted by the American Psychological Association, approximately 83% of Americans find the future of the nation to be a significant source of stress. Today’s political climate is tense, and the entire country is susceptible to mounting anxiety caused by constant exposure to local, national, and global politics. How Does […]

How Can I Manage My Anxiety at Work?

How Can I Manage My Anxiety at Work?

Balancing your work life and your social life during recovery can be difficult. Even if you love your job, the workplace can cause stress that erodes your mental health. When long hours, demanding deadlines, or frustrating customers start to take a toll on your health, engage mechanisms for stress relief that can put you back […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

The American Psychiatric Association reports that nearly 5% of adults living in the US experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a major depressive disorder that manifests symptoms during some seasons, namely fall and winter, but not all. Individuals with untreated SAD are at a higher risk of substance abuse, but knowing the symptoms and treatments for […]

How Can We Cope with Trauma Triggers on Television?

How Can We Cope with Trauma Triggers on Television?

It can be scary when we see realistic depictions of tragic events and real-life trauma. “Orange Is the New Black” showed an inmate dying in a way similar to the death of George Floyd. The new season of “13 Reasons Why” showed a protest against the police, just like our country is currently dealing with. […]

How Can You Overcome Anxiety From Wearing a Mask?

How Can You Overcome Anxiety From Wearing a Mask?

When we have a mask covering our nose and mouth, our bodies may react as if we were in danger. This can lead to panic attack-like responses such as hyperventilating, anxiety, or racing pulse. It is important to remember that anything new is scary at first, but your stress can be better controlled by remembering […]

What are Deep Breathing Techniques You Can Do While in Lockdown?

What are Deep Breathing Techniques You Can Do While in Lockdown?

You may be experiencing anxiety during the pandemic. Under quarantine, you may feel cut off from the people in your life who matter the most. You might feel unmotivated and anxious, lost amid the turbulent landscape of COVID-19. All of these overwhelming feelings may make you want to look for healthy options to deal with […]

What’s the Difference Between Craving and Mental Obsession?

What’s the Difference Between Craving and Mental Obsession?

If you have ever been in treatment, you have probably heard the term “craving” before. It’s often said that we have a three-part disorder – mental obsession, spiritual malady, and the phenomenon of craving. The phenomenon of craving is the main distinction between those of us who have a substance use disorder (SUD) and those […]

Can Journaling Help with Recovery?

Can Journaling Help with Recovery?

When we were teenagers, many of us had secret journals that we kept under our beds. In these journals, we would chronicle our thoughts and feelings for the day, writing about who we talked to, what they said to us, how we felt about it, and of course, who caught our eye romantically. These journals […]

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?|Coping

In everyday life, we’re faced with countless stressors that might weigh heavily on our hearts, give us headaches, or make us curl up in a ball of anxiety. If we don’t have the right support system and ways of managing these stressors, that’s when we may find that we’re caught in a trap of unhealthy […]