Tag Archives: Coping

Signs That You Should Go to Therapy

deflated football showcasing a lack of enjoyment in daily fun activities
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What Are Products Therapists Personally Use for Anxiety?

metaphor-Two differently colored halves of the brain symbolize mental illness

Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the country, with 40 million people affected, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). Even though there are therapists who know how to treat anxiety, it does not mean that they do not struggle with anxiety as well. A number of therapists […]

How to Cope With Social Anxiety

There is a profound difference between shyness and having social anxiety. When you experience extreme self-consciousness when speaking to others or being in public, it can be disparaging to have someone tell you “get over it.” Social anxiety is a mental health disorder that can significantly affect a person’s ability to function in daily social […]

Recovery Burnout and How to Cope With It

recovery burnout

Recovery is hard work. If you ask anyone that is currently going through recovery at any stage, you will hear that it takes a lot of focus, determination, and resilience. There will be challenges that you need to overcome from time to time, and it is understandable to feel a sense of exhaustion or burnout […]

The Role of Grief in Addiction


Everyone has their reasons for why they struggle with addiction, often being very personal and deeply emotional. However, one of the most common underlying causes of addiction is grief. When someone goes through grief, they are often looking for something to make the pain go away. Without proper coping mechanisms, individuals will often turn to […]

What Coping Habits Should You Avoid in Treating Anxiety?

sleep and anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety – like rapid heartbeat and excessive worry – can make it very hard to function. You may think you know how to treat your anxiety, but your coping methods may be making you feel worse. It is important to be aware of activities to avoid doing in treating your anxiety to […]

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Studies of children and adults reveal a correlation between poor body image and substance abuse. Willingness to change one’s physical appearance to achieve an unhealthy and unrealistic body type can lead individuals to replace food, social time, or sleep with alcohol and other substances. Negative self-image can also cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health […]

Helping Those With Heroin Addiction Seek Recovery

(866) 457-3843

Nearly 1,000,000 Americans battle with heroin addiction each year. A sense of dependency is established with every dose of this incredibly addictive opioid that can be injected, sniffed, snorted, and smoked. The feeling it produces of being high is so incredibly strong that a person using this substance wants to recreate that experience, which means […]

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?|Coping

In everyday life, we’re faced with countless stressors that might weigh heavily on our hearts, give us headaches, or make us curl up in a ball of anxiety. If we don’t have the right support system and ways of managing these stressors, that’s when we may find that we’re caught in a trap of unhealthy […]

Finding the World While It’s Crashing Down

Suffering from anxiety and panic can take a massive toll on our bodies and minds. Anxiety can dictate each action and cause our perception of the world to change. Over time, it reframes our outlook, skewing our perception through a lens of pure fear. This causes those suffering to process sounds and images incorrectly or […]