Tag Archives: Coping

How Do You Cope with Post-Holiday Depression?

The end of the year brings about fun holidays to celebrate like Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, and New Years. But, you may be experiencing depression that the fun is now over which makes you feel like there is nothing to look forward to. By making plans for the new year and keeping your friends and family […]

Coping with Anxiety After Surviving Cancer

Schizophrenia Treatment

You would think that if you survived cancer, you would be relieved that your treatment-filled days are over. The truth is that anxiety may pour in because you are used to filling your schedule with chemotherapy and hospital visits. It is important to not let your anxiety interfere with living a cancer-free life as you […]

What Does it Mean to Stay Balanced When Everything is Shifting?

What Does it Mean to Stay Balanced When Everything is Shifting?

Life can change a lot in an instant. No matter why the changes occur, it can be disconcerting to feel like the ground is shifting and everything you knew was gone. Sometimes the changes are small but when big ones come, they can throw you off your game and make you feel like nothing will […]