Tag Archives: Covid-19

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Teens’ Health?

young female teenagers wearing masks while standing on stairs of university|

Adolescents have been going through a confusing time in their lives because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kids have not been able to attend school or socialize like they used to. When the pandemic took away socialization and brought the fear of catching the COVID-19 virus into their lives, a number of mental health issues arose. […]

Is Getting Vaccinated for COVID-19 Good for Your Mental Health?

serious man wearing a black cirurgical mask with an orange background|

The purpose of the COVID-19 vaccine is to prevent those who take it from experiencing the severe symptoms of COVID-19. However, positive, unintended consequences also come from getting the vaccine. New research published in PLOS ONE journal titled “COVID-19 Vaccines and Mental Distress” has shown that those who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine have experienced better […]

Can People With Borderline Personality Disorder Be Independent During the Pandemic?

People with borderline personality disorder are often afraid of abandonment by those they depend on for physical and emotional support. When the pandemic happened, many dependent behaviors become inaccessible, such as relying on others for rides, grocery shopping, home maintenance, and more. For those with borderline personality disorder to be independent, they need to learn […]

Can Socializing Emotionally Drain You During the Pandemic?

Coronavirus infected man during social distancing

With the availability of vaccines increasing worldwide, more people will be open to going back to their old social habits. The truth is that the transition from isolation to socialization can actually be very draining. It is important to remember that feeling emotionally drained when transitioning back to socialization is normal as we are so used […]

How Do You Deal with Separation Anxiety Once Your Partner Goes Back to the Office?


When you were living with your partner during quarantine, you were used to spending every second with each other. If you have to go back to the office, you may feel anxious about leaving your partner. If you and your partner make an effort to adjust to this new routine, the transition back into normal life […]

Has the Pandemic Convinced Doctors to Take Mental Health Seriously?

Man with bottle of water sitting on grass

Mental Health America reported that in September 2020, depression and anxiety hit an all-time high. Mental health has been known to take a back-seat to physical health despite the staggering statistics. Luckily, the pandemic has made doctors more aware of the link between physical health and mental health in the anxiety people have felt in […]

What is Pandemic Paranoia?


The John Hopkins Psychiatry Guide says that paranoia is “a response to perceived threats that are heavily influenced by anxiety and fear, existing along a continuum of normal, reality-based experience to delusional beliefs.” With the stress, misinformation, and uncertainty during the pandemic, it has been hard for people to feel calm, leading to paranoid thoughts. […]

How Can Parents Deal with the Stress of Homeschooling During the Pandemic?

Man turning air conditioning on while watching football with grandson

Homeschooling may be very new to you since you had to keep your kids at home because of the pandemic. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during the school year since you have not homeschooled your kids before. It is best to create a simple homeschooling routine for you and your kids and […]

How is a Year of Too Much Drinking, Sitting, and Stress Bad For Your Body?

staying home during the pandemic

This pandemic has created new routines for us during the year as we stay at home. People may be drinking more, not being as active anymore, and not socializing. By keeping in mind all of the unhealthy habits you have developed during this past year, you have the power to use healthy coping methods to […]