Tag Archives: Covid-19

What are Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder During the Pandemic?

bipolar disorder during COVID-19

Having bipolar disorder means living with the challenges of managing your triggers so you do not have dramatic mood changes. Some people may be prone to manic episodes where they feel excited, angry, or energized, whereas others experience more depressive episodes. To help yourself with bipolar triggers during one of the most stressful times in […]

What Mental Health Advice is Not Healthy to Listen to?

mental health advice to avoid

You have probably gotten advice in the past about how to take care of your mental health. This ongoing pandemic has either increased mental health symptoms in people who already struggle with mental illness or have developed a problem since the pandemic. It is important to get accurate advice that relates to today’s issues as […]

How is COVID-19 Adding Triggers to Veterans Struggling with Substance Abuse?

Tough events like the global pandemic, political and civil tensions, and even natural disasters can trigger negative feelings. Unfortunately, people such as veterans use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with these feelings and are unable to cope with exercise, hobbies, and family. Veterans need to seek treatment even during these confusing times […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Addiction


COVID-19 stormed the world in March 2020, forcing many countries to enforce a country-wide lockdown. Now, ten months later, the impact of this global pandemic is still being felt by those in addiction recovery. A rise in relapses has occurred since the start of the pandemic, and they are still happening all over the United […]

How Has COVID-19 Led to a Rise in Mental Health Disorders?

How Has COVID-19 Led to a Rise in Mental Health Disorders?

The COVID-19 disease has been very contagious this year. New research has shown that one in five people diagnosed with COVID-19 is also diagnosed with a mental illness like anxiety, depression, or insomnia within three months. Addressing your mental health issues is one of the most important things you can do while you are tackling […]

How Have People Cared for Their Mental Health During the Pandemic

Smiling man

The COVID-19 pandemic has been very taxing on people’s mental health. Many have been feeling more stressed and more anxious than usual as the result of living in isolation and wondering what the future will hold. Amidst the economic crisis and shutdowns, EcoWatch has found that people are finding surprising ways to care for their […]

How Has Anxiety Changed in 2020?

Man Sanitizing Hands

With COVID-19, there have been changes among those who had pre-existing anxiety. While some people’s anxiety has worsened in 2020 as a result of the pandemic, others have reported a measured improvement. When asked by the Huffington Post, people with anxiety explained that the pandemic has allowed them to slow down and focus more on […]

Reconnecting With Friends and Family During the Holidays


Due to the rise of COVID-19, you probably won’t be able to see friends and family face-to-face for the holidays this year. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate and reconnect with the people you care about. If you are in recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol, you can use the holidays as an […]

Healthy Ways to Relieve Emotional Stress


This is a stressful time of year during a stressful year. COVID-19 is on the rise and the holidays and seasonal depression are here. As a recovering addict, you might be searching for the best way to manage your stress and maybe even let off some steam. It is important to acknowledge that you are […]

COVID-19 Regulations at Treatment Facilities


You may be nervous about going to a treatment facility due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases. The idea of going outside the house is giving everyone anxiety. However, your addiction recovery and mental health are important, especially with the impact of the pandemic. If you are considering getting help for addiction to drugs […]