Tag Archives: Covid-19

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Rude Emails?


Researchers have discovered that rude emails can impact your mental well-being. Because of COVID-19 work restrictions, increased digital communication is leading to work rudeness. It is time to take email incivility seriously to ensure that everyone in the company is mentally fit to get the job done. Types of Email Rudeness Active email rudeness is […]

Take Up a Distraction

Covid-19 Treatment

Life can be overwhelming, making it harder to make healthy decisions. Oftentimes, mental health issues are hard to manage when you’re under a lot of stress. When life gets a little out of control it’s important to have a distraction to help you practice self-care. This is especially true when there’s nothing you can do […]

How Is COVID-19 Affecting Men’s Mental Health?


Cleveland Clinic recently conducted a survey about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected men physically and mentally, as well as how it has influenced their daily behavior. It was found that 77% of respondents felt their stress levels increase, 59% felt isolated, and 45% said their emotional and mental health declined during this uncertain time. […]

How Has Social Isolation Affected Older Adults?

Zoom Call

When we experience physical pain, it is a sign from our body that we need to take care of ourselves. The same can be said when we experience loneliness in a pandemic, as it is important to take care of ourselves in the form of companionship. Older adults need to find ways to protect themselves […]

Severe Mental Illness Increases Risk of COVID-19

Severe mental illness, which includes bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, may put a person at increased risk for developing COVID-19. Living with unfamiliar and unprecedented rules related to quarantine and safety procedures that are now mandated is difficult enough for people who do not deal with mental health issues. Factor in a severe mental illness, and […]

Can Hand Sanitizer Cause A Hangover?

hand sanitizer

With the COVID-19 pandemic on the rise, many people have been careful about washing their hands, whether it is with soap or hand sanitizer. A recent study in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism says that inhaling alcohol fumes from hand sanitizer can cause alcohol to reach the bloodstream. One man experienced the symptoms of a […]