Tag Archives: crisis

Finding the World While It’s Crashing Down

Suffering from anxiety and panic can take a massive toll on our bodies and minds. Anxiety can dictate each action and cause our perception of the world to change. Over time, it reframes our outlook, skewing our perception through a lens of pure fear. This causes those suffering to process sounds and images incorrectly or […]

What is the Impact When Young Adults Experiencing Opioid Overdose Do Not Receive Effective Follow-Up Treatment?

What is the Impact When Young Adults Experiencing Opioid Overdose Do Not Receive Effective Follow-Up Treatment?

There is a significant window of opportunity regarding treatment for adolescents and teenagers who experience non-fatal opioid overdoses. Often, most of these young adults have yet to receive an opioid use disorder (OUD) diagnosis, therefore making it difficult for this population to receive treatment following their overdose experiences. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded […]

Dealing Effectively with the Opioid Crisis: How Can the Focus Shift From Punishment to Treatment?

Dealing Effectively with the Opioid Crisis: How Can the Focus Shift From Punishment to Treatment?

Arresting those with opioid use disorder (OUD) is not the answer to battling the opioid epidemic enveloping our nation. The American Psychological Association (APA) strongly suggests focusing on evidence-based treatments to pull the country out of the grips of this opioid crisis.  The Numbers Point to a Significant Need for Change Our nation is in […]