Tag Archives: Dependence

Addiction vs. Dependence

Addiction vs. Dependence

When it comes to addiction, there are many variables that make it complicated to understand. Many often wonder if their drug or alcohol use is “bad enough” to constitute an addiction and, therefore, a need for help. While early intervention is always best, knowing the difference between addiction and dependence can help you answer this […]

Understanding the Difference Between Tolerance, Dependence, and Addiction

breaking down male depression

When discussing substance abuse, people often misconstrue the meanings of tolerance, dependence, and addiction, believing them to be the same thing. However, these terms describe the various ways drugs impact a person’s brain, body, and overall health. Understanding the differences between the three can help individuals recognize the different stages of addiction in themselves and […]

When Too Much Alcohol is Never Enough

Have you found yourself drinking more than you mean to on a regular basis because the usual amount you consume is never enough? What happens when you begin drinking what would be considered “too much,” and that still isn’t enough? It can be easy to overlook your drinking habits and live in denial of having […]

What is the Difference Between Dependence and Addiction?

What is the Difference Between Dependence and Addiction?

In the world of addiction recovery, it becomes an intense, complex dialogue when people begin discussing what constitutes as dependence versus addiction. It’s a rather highly debated topic – because some would say that they’re one in the same. If we turn to highly qualified resources, such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), […]