Tag Archives: Depression

Are People With Depression More Likely to Cheat in a Relationship?

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What Are the Debilitating Symptoms of Depression?

Depressed man in the park

Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness or despair that negatively affect the way you think, feel, or behave. It can have real physical and mental health implications if left untreated. According to the National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH), “In 2017, an estimated 11 million U.S. adults aged 18 or older had at least […]

Why Does Waking Up One Hour Earlier Reduce Depression?

What time we wake up in the morning can make an impact on our mental health. There are “morning larks” who tend to wake up early and “night owls” who prefer to sleep in. A new study by JAMA Psychiatry says that waking up one hour earlier can reduce your depression by 23%, helping you […]

The Link Between Depression and a Messy Room

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What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

Have you reached a point where you think nothing else matters? Perhaps you believe that nothing you say or do will change anything, and it would be better if you just gave up. Many individuals feel this from time to time as they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it […]

What Is the Link Between Introversion and Depression?

Combining Alcoholism and Abuse: A Dangerous Concoction|

Do you avoid large parties or social events and find excuses to stay home? If so, you may be an introvert. Introverted people tend to listen more than speak, prefer quiet time compared to a noisy group, or try to blend in with the crowd instead of striving to stand out. While this is not […]

How‌ ‌Alcohol‌ ‌Impacts‌ ‌Depression‌

It is common knowledge that alcohol is a downer, causing you to have less energy and decreased moods. However, individuals still turn to alcohol to self-medicate symptoms of depression. Doing this can worsen symptoms of depression, causing a severe negative impact on one’s mental state. By understanding the effect of alcohol on depression, you can […]

Can Sharing Comfort Meals on Social Media Help Depression?

Can sharing about a mental health disorder bring people together? There is one group on social media where it seems to be working. People are getting together and sharing their “depression meals” on Facebook. A depression meal is a combination of comfort foods for those who do not have the energy to cook a meal. […]

How Can Depression Affect Your Body?

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

Your body tends to respond to its thoughts; for example, if you think you are hungry, your stomach may start to growl. While depression is considered a mental health disorder, there are many ways that depression can affect our bodies physically. It is essential to be physically and mentally healthy, which starts with receiving treatment […]

Signs of a Depression Relapse

Despite what many people believe, depression treatment does not cure the disorder. Instead, it helps individuals learn to manage their symptoms for a happy, healthy, and productive life. However, it is possible to experience a depression relapse where symptoms return. Learning how to spot signs of a depression relapse early on can help you take […]