Tag Archives: Depression

Reaching Out to Someone With Depression

Depression can easily cut a person off from everyone in their lives, so providing help when they need it most can be difficult. The depressed individual may react very little when addressed or may be unresponsive to questions entirely. This does not mean that helping is futile, or that by trying to help, one is […]

Breaking Free From Depression


Depression is more complicated than being sad. It is a full-scale assault on motivation and self-worth. It leads to a view of the world through an absolutely negative filter. It is absolutely crushing. Breaking through these feelings is a daunting task, but you can move past depressive episodes by following some simple steps.    Keep […]

The Curse of the Routine


“Humans are creatures of habit,” if the old adage is to be believed. Even the most absolutely spontaneous people still maintain relatively consistent bedtimes, morning routines, and daily rituals. These routines help to organize not only each passing day but all of the shooting thoughts that pass through our minds. For people suffering from anxiety […]

Deviating Trends: Declines in Binge Drinking Are Occurring While Rates of Depression Are Increasing

binge drinking and depression

A study out of Columbia University found that between the years 1991 and 2018, binge drinking behaviors declined among American adolescents. Conversely, depression rates severely increased for this population since the year 2012. Therefore, binge drinking and depression among adolescents are no longer associated trends. The research used data pulled from surveys between 1991 and […]

Did Edgar Allan Poe Have Suicidal Thoughts? 

Poet Edgar Allan Poe’s death has been a mystery for over 170 years with theories from rabies to suicide. He received no autopsy and there are no surviving medical records of his. Researchers from Lancaster University now have the technology to see based on Poe’s language if he had suicidal thoughts which can help us […]

What Is Treatment-Resistant Depression?


Treatment-resistant depression is when your depression does not respond to antidepressants. There are 10%-15% of people with depression who do not respond to antidepressants and 30%-40% of people who only notice a partial improvement in their symptoms. If you are aware that antidepressants are not working for you, it is important to not give up […]

Surprising Ways to Make Someone with Depression Feel Loved

|role models in recovery

People with depression feel like no one around them wants them or does not notice them. Sometimes, the smallest gestures can make a big difference. People with depression told The Mighty about surprising ways that they felt loved while struggling with depression. Babysitting Babysitting can be a great way to feel loved by the kids […]

The Importance of Self-Purpose While Struggling with Depression

When you are suffering from depression, you tend to belittle your self-worth. You may feel like a burden to others and that it would not make a difference if you disappeared. The truth is that finding your self-purpose is the best way to treat your depression in finding out what your purpose is. Discovering Your […]

Myths of Co-Occurring Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression tend to go hand in hand. People who have not lived with a co-occurring disorder may not understand the struggles they go through. It is important to know what it is like to have both anxiety and depression occur simultaneously so that you can make sure you receive a full diagnosis during […]

What is Important to Know About Depression After Surgery?

You might expect to be happy after a big surgery. Unfortunately, surgery can also bring you stress and physical pain, leaving you depressed. You must address your depression with your doctor, friends, and family. These resources can help you bounce back and live the rest of your life in contentment. Why is Post-Surgery Depression Common? […]