Tag Archives: Diagnosis

How Is Disorganization a Factor in Schizophrenia?

Hands holding brain with puzzle paper cutout

Disorganization refers to incoherent and illogical thoughts and behaviors. This can affect the way you think and speak. If you feel like disorganization in schizophrenia is interfering with your life, it is best to seek treatment to better organize your thoughts and behavior. Disorganization as a Symptom Disorganization in schizophrenia refers to having trouble forming […]

What to Know Before You Self-Diagnose Your Mental Health Symptoms

When you are experiencing symptoms that feel out of the ordinary, you may feel inclined to research your symptoms online to get an idea of what is going on with you. However, it is always best to receive an accurate diagnosis from a licensed professional, as much of the information online may be inaccurate or […]

How to Cope With a Mental Health Diagnosis


Receiving a mental health diagnosis can prompt an influx of emotions in the aftermath. For some, receiving the diagnosis will result in a sense of relief as they finally have a name for the symptoms they have been experiencing. For others, receiving the diagnosis can result in feelings of shame, embarrassment, denial, anger, or hopelessness. […]

What is Important to Know About Schizoaffective Disorder?

Acute Schizophrenic Episodes

“Schizo” refers to schizophrenia and “affective” refers to how mood disorders can change someone’s emotions. Someone who has schizoaffective disorder can have symptoms of schizophrenia mixed with bipolar disorder and depression simultaneously or separately. By understanding this complicated mental illness, you will know when to seek help for it. How Do You Diagnose Schizoaffective Disorder? […]