Tag Archives: Drug Addiction

How Is the Opioid Scandal Affecting Drug Companies?

Pharmacy Companies

The fallout of the opioid crisis has already put Purdue Pharma and Insys Therapeutics into bankruptcy. Some of the nation’s biggest companies are facing uncertainty during the pandemic, including CVS, Johnson & Johnson, McKesson, and Walgreens. These companies are struggling with the manufacture and sales of prescription opioids while still trying to provide medicine and […]

The Lumineers Use Addiction as a Theme in Their New Album


Folk-rock band, The Lumineers, has recently released a new album called “III” that tells the story of the fictional Spark family. Listeners get to learn about the three generations of this family that deal with a history of addiction. By having a popular band like The Lumineers break the stigma of addiction through their songs, […]

Writing an Addiction Memoir Can Count Towards Your 12 Steps

Why Journal Writing is A Powerful Tool During Recovery  

As part of the 12 steps, step four is about making a search and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Writing a memoir is all about looking into who we were and what brought us to who we are now. By writing a memoir about your addiction, you can not only fulfill one of your steps […]

Why are Teens and Kids Most at Risk for Opioid Overdoses?

It used to be that opioid use was to be for serious cases like if you are a cancer patient or just went through an important surgery. Now, opioids are used for everything and are given to teenagers that are innocently taking these pills without realizing they can be at risk for life-long addiction. HealthDay […]

One Family’s Struggle with Addiction and Mental Illness 

When one person in a family suffers from addiction, the whole family suffers alongside them. Addiction can change you into someone your family will not recognize. Sarah Keast told her story on “Good Morning America” about what her family when through when her husband had a substance abuse disorder. How Did Sarah Yeast Find Out […]

A Woman Becomes Sober After a Viral Photo of Herself Leaks

It is hard to see how you are when you are under the influence. Even if people tell you that you are not acting like yourself or do not like who you have become, you do not believe them. One woman saw a picture of herself overdosed that went viral which encouraged her to want […]

Where Do Teens Stash Their Drugs in Secret?

One of the symptoms of addiction is lying. Parents may not be aware of their child’s addiction or of their secret hiding places in their room. By knowing where your child may keep their stash of drugs, you will know for sure whether or not your child is addicted to drugs and can get them […]

Why Is It Important for Addiction to Be Considered a Brain Disorder?

There are people who still think that addiction is a choice. In April 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine changed that by recognizing addiction as a brain disorder. By knowing what makes addiction a brain disorder, you will realize it is a disease that is hard to control and needs more answers in regards […]

How Did the Man Behind “The Addict’s Diary” Overcome His Addiction?

Overcoming addiction can take a very long time to do. It took Kevin Alter, who created the popular addiction recovery blog “The Addict’s Diary,” over a decade to recover from his. By learning about Kevin Alter’s journey, other people struggling with addiction will understand that addiction recovery is not an easy road to follow but […]

What Do I Do If I Feel Like Everyone Hates Me?

It could be very upsetting when people cancel plans on you or you see a group of your friends having fun without you on social media. You could be suffering from anxiety and depression as well as low self-esteem if you think that everyone hates you. By surrounding yourself with positive people and remember who […]