Tag Archives: Emotions

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a lifelong process that requires you to address and eradicate unhealthy behaviors developed during an extended period of substance abuse. The journey to recovery is not always smooth or comfortable, especially during your first months of sobriety. You will have to face the underlying causes of your SUD […]

When Is It Time to Take a Mental Health Day?

When Is It Time to Take a Mental Health Day?

Our professional and social obligations keep us busy every hour of every day, and the constant stress of satisfying the needs of others without catering to your own needs takes a toll on mental health. Irritability, difficulty focusing, resentment toward others, sleeplessness, and loss of interest in work and social activities are all indicators that […]

Explaining Addiction to Children

Explaining Addiction to Children

Children may not always understand the principles of substance use disorder (SUD), but they will realize when a parent is absent from their lives. Toddlers and young children may not be equipped to handle conversations involving addiction, even when substance abuse is presented as a disease equatable to a bad cold or other physical illness. […]

Learn to Manage Necessary Stressors in Your Life

Learn to Manage Necessary Stressors in Your Life

Stepping away from stress to focus on recovery indicates dedication and maturity in individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). Some stresses, however, are unavoidable–financial troubles, small relationship spats, and other emotional strains happen every day. You are strong, confident, and capable of overcoming any challenges to your mental health. When confronted with unexpected stress, draw […]

How Do I Confront Fears of Relapse?

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss

Recent studies show that the overwhelming majority—approximately 85%—of people in recovery from substance addiction will relapse within the first year. This statistic should not discourage your efforts to adhere strongly to your recovery plan, but it should bring comfort to know that the community in recovery shares your fears of relapse and may be able […]

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Studies of children and adults reveal a correlation between poor body image and substance abuse. Willingness to change one’s physical appearance to achieve an unhealthy and unrealistic body type can lead individuals to replace food, social time, or sleep with alcohol and other substances. Negative self-image can also cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health […]

What Are the Benefits of an Emotional Support Animal?

What Are the Benefits of an Emotional Support Animal?

Pets can bring joy and fun into anyone’s life. If you find yourself looking for an animal companion to walk with you on your journey to recovery and mental health, you should know the responsibilities and rewards associated with a furry (or not so furry) friend. Types of Emotional Support Animals An emotional support animal […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

The American Psychiatric Association reports that nearly 5% of adults living in the US experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a major depressive disorder that manifests symptoms during some seasons, namely fall and winter, but not all. Individuals with untreated SAD are at a higher risk of substance abuse, but knowing the symptoms and treatments for […]

How Do I Tell My Significant Other That I Need Time to Focus on My Mental Health?

How Do I Tell My Significant Other That I Need Time to Focus on My Mental Health?

The path of recovery is never straight. As you move forward in your recovery from substance addiction, you will encounter obstacles that require total mental and emotional focus to overcome. A healthy romantic relationship also deserves equal and constant attention from each partner. You may find that simultaneously maintaining your relationship and pursuing recovery is […]

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

The LGBTQ2+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, two-spirit) community suffers social and political discrimination that can impede the spread of critical mental health resources among members of the community. To provide “gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, two-spirit, gender queer, gender non-binary, trans, and other guys who are sexually and/or romantically interested in other guys” […]