Tag Archives: Emotions

What to Look Out for If Addiction Runs in Your Family

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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) finds that genetic makeup can account for half of the risk of developing a substance addiction. A genetic predisposition coupled with an unhealthy environment such as a high-stress workspace may greatly increase your chances of developing a substance addiction. If a parent or relative struggles with addiction, it’s […]

How Can I Explain Addiction to Younger Children?

How Can I Explain Addiction to Younger Children?

Addressing mature topics with younger children can be daunting, but when a parent, sibling, or close relation struggles with substance addiction, the need to explain addiction may present itself. Explaining addiction to a young child may seem impossible, but providing them with the information and support they need in the early stages of life creates […]

Mental Health Benefits of Video Journaling

Mental Health Benefits of Video Journaling

Journaling is a popular practice among individuals recovering from substance addiction, but the activity isn’t for everyone. Taking pen to paper can be tedious, and even typing becomes a chore when you have a lot to say. In the time of high-definition phone cameras and free media editing software or apps, it’s time to explore […]

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

With schools being closed and millions of Americans unemployed, families are forced to spend a lot of time together. With the current rise in cases and delayed re-opening, families will have to stay together longer than expected. Do what you can to alleviate family burnout and avoid strained relationships during the pandemic and beyond. How […]

How Can Healthcare Workers Redesign Their Surroundings for Their Mental Health?

By redesigning your hospital’s surroundings

Frontline workers are dealing with many stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be anything from contracting the virus to concerns for their families or grief over watching their patients die. By redesigning your hospital’s surroundings, you can feel more comfortable at work and ease your anxiety and depression. How Can the Breakroom Be […]

How Does Your Personality as a Baby Affect Your Mental Health When You Grow Up?

How Does Your Personality as a Baby Affect Your Mental Health When You Grow Up?

You may think that the person you were as a baby is entirely different from who you are as an adult. The truth is that the anxiety you may have had as a baby can catch up with you later. A recent study published in the journal, “Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science” proved […]

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

If you have been forced to work at home during these past few months, you may be feeling emotionally drained. While working from home, can you still take a mental health day? It is essential to provide yourself with a mental health day to re-energize and handle your home responsibilities. Why is it Important to […]

What Happens to Your Mind and Body When You Quit Weed?

What Happens to Your Mind and Body When You Quit Weed?

Cannabis withdrawal syndrome is a condition that medical professionals have recently begun to understand. It was not introduced in the DSM-5 until 2013 and has long been misunderstood. Signs of cannabis withdrawal syndrome include anxiety, depression, irritability, lowered appetite, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, and other uncomfortable symptoms. If you are a chronic or heavy marijuana user, […]

Tips for Positive Thinking in the Backlash of COVID-19

Tips for Positive Thinking in the Backlash of COVID-19

When you’re in a bad mood or in a “low place,” positive thinking sounds like a bunch of crap, if you’re being honest. That, however, is just your mind playing tricks on you. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that being optimistic can actually have many health benefits. The Mayo Clinic notes that […]

Low Self-Esteem or High Self-Esteem: How They Both Challenge Recovery

mental health

Contrary to popular belief, not all people with substance use disorders (SUDs) are plagued with low self-esteem. High self-esteem can cause its own unique set of problems when it comes to addiction recovery. Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Self-esteem comes from experiences with people and activities. Childhood experiences play a huge factor. If you were […]