Tag Archives: family

Is Bipolar Disorder Passed Down Genetically?

Genetics, as well as environmental factors, both contribute to the development of bipolar disorder. The most current data suggest that bipolar disorder is 60 to 85% heritable. By having a clear understanding of how bipolar disorder is linked to your family history, you will have a better idea of what the chances are of passing […]

Recovering Without Family Support

Complex Mental Conditions

Addiction is often called a “family disease” because it affects not only the person struggling but those closest to them as well. Unfortunately, because of the pain addiction often causes, many family members may choose to cut off the person struggling from their lives to protect their own well-being. This can be difficult for the […]

Coping With Unsupportive Family Members in Recovery

Support from the people closest to you is crucial for long-lasting, successful recovery. This is why having an unsupportive family can have such a significant impact on your recovery journey. You may feel disappointed in their unwillingness to support you because their approval helps validate your choices. However, it is vital to understand that you […]

How Did “Leave It to Beaver” Tackle Alcoholism?


“Leave It to Beaver” was a family sitcom in the late 1950s about the shenanigans a little boy goes through with his family. Known for being family-friendly and straight-laced, you may find it hard to believe that there was once an episode that tackled alcoholism. This “Leave It to Beaver” episode can teach us how […]

How Addiction Affects the Ones We Love

Addiction is known to cause several problems within your own life, but what you may not realize during active addiction is how it has affected the ones you love. Now that you are in recovery and working on yourself, it is also essential to recognize how your addiction has impacted those closest to you, including […]

Kanye West Puts Bipolar Disorder in the Spotlight

mental illness

Kanye West captured the world’s attention with his rap music and tabloid-worthy private life. These days, however, he is more likely to make headlines because of his ongoing mental health issues. West received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, which has resulted in sometimes combative and erratic behavior that is regularly reported on in the press. […]

Problems Families May Face While Their Loved One Seeks Treatment

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

When a loved one battles with substance abuse, it affects everyone around them. Grandparents may begin to take on more parental roles since that individual can no longer fulfill family responsibilities. Friends may fade away if they notice significant changes in that person. Not only does a person’s social network become affected, but so does […]

Effects of Addiction on Family

family affected by addiction

Addiction impacts the entire family. Substance abuse co-occurring with psychiatric disorders can make matters even worse, taking a toll on everyone involved.    Substance abuse affects the family unit emotionally and financially, destroying relationships once central to the addict’s life.   Emotional Impact Family members experience emotions ranging from guilt and embarrassment to confusion, denial, […]