Tag Archives: finding a therapist

Why Do Men Find it Hard to Go to Therapy?

Blue Modern Thinking Man Illustration asking why men don't go to therapy?
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How Can Startup Frame Be Helpful Towards Seeking Mental Health Treatment?


The American Psychological Association says that 85% are feeling generalized anxiety. A hotline by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration had a 1,000% increase in people texting in for emotional distress. A new company called Frame provides access to mental health professionals on a platform that works much like a dating app. The […]

How Do You Find the Right Person to Help You?

Overcoming mental illness is a long and arduous process. On this journey, the people that surround you make a significant impact on your recovery. Finding the right support professional is a critical decision. Just as each individual’s journey in recovery is different, each support professional is also different. They each bring their own unique approach […]