Tag Archives: Genetics

Is Bipolar Disorder Passed Down Genetically?

Genetics, as well as environmental factors, both contribute to the development of bipolar disorder. The most current data suggest that bipolar disorder is 60 to 85% heritable. By having a clear understanding of how bipolar disorder is linked to your family history, you will have a better idea of what the chances are of passing […]

Genetics Behind Substance Use Disorders


There are several reasons that a person may develop an addiction. These are often related to mental health disorders, trauma, environmental circumstances, and social circumstances. However, genetics can also play a significant role in one’s risk of developing an addiction. By understanding the role that genetics play in addiction, you can begin taking proper precautions […]

Twins and Addiction

Twins and Addiction

For years, researchers have tried to determine the genetic causes of addiction and develop technologies or medications that diminish inherited predisposition to Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Often these researchers include sets of twins in their studies. Identical twins share 100% percent of their genes, while non-identical twins share 50% of their genes. Twins raised in […]

The Largest Study of the Link Between Anxiety and Genetics

Millions of people are affected by anxiety in which past experiences, brain chemistry, and genetics can play a factor. While there have been many studies on the genetics of depression, fewer have looked for genetic variants linked to anxiety. The largest genome-wide study of anxiety traits has discovered six genetic variants linked to anxiety disorder. […]