Tag Archives: Grief

The Role of Grief in Addiction


Everyone has their reasons for why they struggle with addiction, often being very personal and deeply emotional. However, one of the most common underlying causes of addiction is grief. When someone goes through grief, they are often looking for something to make the pain go away. Without proper coping mechanisms, individuals will often turn to […]

The Unique Pain of Being a Suicide Survivor


The CDC reports that between 1999-2016, suicide rates in the U.S. rose nearly 30%. Mental health conditions often contribute to why a person dies by suicide. Other reasons include financial problems, relationship issues, health concerns, and substance use.  Suicide Survivors Harvard Medical School states that each time a person dies by suicide, they leave behind […]

Overcoming the Grief of Losing Your Addiction

When people enter recovery, it’s usually after addiction has ruled over their life, affecting their health, their relationships, their career, and just about everything else in a negative way. We should be happy to see our addiction go – but strangely enough, that’s not always the case. Most people associate recovery with feelings of release, […]

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Most studies of grief focus on dealing with loss due to death and leave out grief experienced due to the loss of significant relationships. However, divorce, breakups, and cutting off major relationships can also lead one to experience the stages of grief.  The Stages of Grief The stages of grief are not simple steps. One […]

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss?

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss

Loss happens to everyone at some point. Some people experience loss by going to therapy and working out the issues, turning inwards, or externalizing the stress and challenges of losing someone, a job, a relationship, or an actual person in their life who dies. Substance use is, also, unfortunately, common for people who experience loss. […]

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

It doesn’t matter your socio-economic background, race or religion – losing a loved one is a painful human experience. Dealing with all of the grief surrounding death is brutal and for those in addiction recovery, grief can trigger a major relapse. Grief-related sadness, anger, and pain can cloud our ability to think clearly, and those […]