Tag Archives: Group Therapy

Overcoming Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

Many individuals who have gone through addiction will vouch for the fact that the disease thrives off of loneliness. To not allow the disease to feed off your feelings, it is critical to know how to cope with loneliness while in recovery. Of course, everyone feels lonely from time to time, but this can pose […]

What Makes Virtual Group Therapies the New Trend?

Virtual Therapy

The traditional form of group therapy is one or more psychologists getting together with a group of people about a similar issue in person. Currently, sessions are being done online, due to the trouble of meeting groups of people in person during the ongoing pandemic. Virtual group therapy allows you to partake in a therapy […]

How Do I Build a Healthy Support System

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

Perhaps the Beatles said it best – “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Letting go of toxic, unhealthy relationships is an important part of recovery. But learning how to let new people into our lives who can help make us better is equally important – and sometimes it’s easier said than […]

Are There Different Types of Group Therapy?

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

Recovery involves so many different aspects of healing and restoration – therapy is just one way that people in recovery can grow. Group psychotherapy sessions provide a unique, safe space for those seeking sobriety to build a larger connection with others who are pursuing the same goals. Group therapy is also a way to share […]

Why is Group Therapy So Common in Addiction Treatment?

When many people think about addiction treatment, the first thing they think of is group therapy. Group therapy is a regular session of a small group, usually a dozen or fewer, moderated by a therapist or counsellor. They discuss issues, ask questions, and give each other feedback. Some people are understandably nervous about group therapy […]