Tag Archives: Hallucinations

How Are Hallucinations Linked to Bipolar Disorder?

vector art of two head silhouettes with scribbles on the inside
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Can Substance-Induced Insomnia Lead to Hallucinations and Psychosis?

Can Substance-Induced Insomnia Lead to Hallucinations and Psychosis?

Insomnia is the inability to sleep. Sleep is extremely important to overall health and well-being, so not having enough sleep may lead to many problems. When recovering from substance use disorders, having sleep difficulties is common in early recovery, and may even contribute to relapse. Furthermore, insufficient sleep is linked to hallucinations and psychosis.  The […]

What Are the Differences Between Casual and Prolonged Cocaine Use?

Cocaine is a Schedule II drug which means that it is illegal to use recreationally in the U.S. Some experience euphoria while others experience anxiety, pain, and hallucinations. By knowing what happens to you after trying cocaine just once, you will start far away from it before an addiction develops.  What Happens When Trying Cocaine […]

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Many substances can cause changes in perception and behavior, and those that cause paranoia are said to cause “substance induced psychosis”. When this occurs, both delusions and paranoia may take place; Mental Health America (MHA) defines paranoia as, “…Intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat or conspiracy.” A person with […]