Tag Archives: Health

The Importance of Physical Strength in Addiction Recovery

When recovering from active addiction, many people only think about the various therapies you go through that help heal the underlying causes. However, reviving your physical strength is just as important to the recovery process. There are numerous benefits of regaining your physical health and strength, and by understanding them, you can be motivated to […]

How Meth Affects Cognitive Functioning

It is a well-known fact that methamphetamine use has severe physical effects on the body. However, many people do not know the extent of these effects. Instead, they brush them aside as “nothing to worry about ” as they descend further into addiction.    However, meth has a severe impact on the body, especially cognitive […]

Signs of Inhalant Abuse and Addiction

Adult man sitting on pavement concept image of mania vs hypomania

Inhalant abuse and addiction are widespread, but they can be challenging to detect. This is because its effects are short-term, making it difficult to spot someone actively using the substances.    Though it may be challenging to determine whether or not a person is using inhalants, it is not impossible. You can still get someone […]

Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

The term “functioning alcoholic” is common, with individuals inside and outside of the addiction recovery sphere hearing it at least once in their lives. However, noticing signs of functioning alcoholism within yourself can be more challenging. Because the typical functioning alcoholic still maintains their daily tasks and responsibilities while excessively drinking, they may believe they […]

How Can Depression Affect Your Body?

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

Your body tends to respond to its thoughts; for example, if you think you are hungry, your stomach may start to growl. While depression is considered a mental health disorder, there are many ways that depression can affect our bodies physically. It is essential to be physically and mentally healthy, which starts with receiving treatment […]

Why is it Important for People with Disabilities to Seek Individualized Treatment?


A disability is when a person’s mind or body prevents them from taking part in one or more major activities. When disabilities worsen over time or stop you from an activity you enjoyed, it can lead to severe mental health symptoms and using drugs or alcohol to cope. If you have a disability, it is […]

What You Gain in Recovery: A Path to a Beautiful Life

When many people enter rehab, they often go in with the mindset that they are “quitting alcohol” or “losing drugs,” but this is not correct. Going in with this perspective can be damaging to your overall willingness to recover. Rather than focusing on what you lose by getting sober, think about what there is to […]

What Should You Do if You Feel Bad After Your Therapy Session?

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