Tag Archives: Holistic Treatment

In Addiction Recovery, How Is Pain Managed?

In Addiction Recovery

A lot of medications used to treat pain and ADHD are habit-forming and have the potential for substance abuse. How can discomfort due to injuries and pain be managed without increasing the risk of relapsing? Pain management and care is the most common reason people seek medical attention. For people in recovery, the risk of […]

Acupuncture: Can It Help During Addiction Recovery?

Acupuncture: Can It Help During Addiction Recovery?

First, What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient technique from Traditional Chinese Medicine that believes there are lines of energy running through the body called meridians. When there is an issue in the body or disease, it’s believed to be a blockage in the movement along those meridians. Micro-thin, sterile needles are used to facilitate […]

Breaking the Cycle: Using Yoga to Counteract Addiction’s Effects

Breaking the Cycle: Using Yoga to Counteract Addiction’s Effects

A few years ago, addiction recovery writer Holly Glenn Whitaker shared her story of utilizing yoga to boost her own recovery journey on her website, Hip Sobriety. She explained: “[Yoga] turned around my anxiety entirely and within a few months, not only was I panic attack free, but I was also somewhat of a new […]