Tag Archives: Isolation

High-Functioning Depression Isn’t as High-Functioning as You Think

a man sitting by the sea

When we think of someone with high-functioning depression, we probably envision the person at the grindstone with work every day, distant with friends and family, and struggling to meet expectations more than they let on. The battle for people like this is painfully internal, giving them the feeling that they’re alone and cannot allow others […]

How Has Social Isolation Affected Older Adults?

Zoom Call

When we experience physical pain, it is a sign from our body that we need to take care of ourselves. The same can be said when we experience loneliness in a pandemic, as it is important to take care of ourselves in the form of companionship. Older adults need to find ways to protect themselves […]

Why are People Having Virtual Affairs to Cope with Their Stress?

virtual affair

Stress can cause you to behave in ways you would otherwise find unacceptable. According to the journal Family Process, data suggests that Americans are having virtual affairs in response to the stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19. Learning how to manage anxiety before it gets out of hand can help to keep you and […]

Signs of SUD in Your Children and How to Recognize Them

Signs of SUD in Your Children and How to Recognize Them

Substance abuse in adolescents can hinder physical and social development, increase the risk of mental health disorders, and lead to dangerous or reckless behaviors such as engaging in unprotected sexual activity, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Studies report that “the earlier teens start using substances, the greater their chances of continuing to […]

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

With schools being closed and millions of Americans unemployed, families are forced to spend a lot of time together. With the current rise in cases and delayed re-opening, families will have to stay together longer than expected. Do what you can to alleviate family burnout and avoid strained relationships during the pandemic and beyond. How […]

How are People with Schizophrenia Affected By COVID-19?

How are People with Schizophrenia Affected By COVID-19?

People with schizophrenia are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19. Schizophrenic people tend to live in places like nursing homes, prisons, homeless shelters, or state mental hospitals. Unfortunately, these facilities are hotbeds for transmission of the COVID-19 virus. If you have schizophrenia, you must seek help with a mental health professional to know what to […]

How to Navigate Social Isolation in Addiction Recovery

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner during Recovery

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) means everyone is isolated from one another. Some have family, others are totally by themselves. If you have an addiction and mental health issues, it can mean becoming even further isolated. With addiction, or in recovery, this can be a dangerous thing. To stay healthy, people need social interaction. Mental health […]