Tag Archives: loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

Many individuals who have gone through addiction will vouch for the fact that the disease thrives off of loneliness. To not allow the disease to feed off your feelings, it is critical to know how to cope with loneliness while in recovery. Of course, everyone feels lonely from time to time, but this can pose […]

How is Loneliness in Youth Affecting Mental Health?

How is Loneliness in Youth Affecting Mental Health?

Youth are likely to experience higher rates of anxiety and depression during and after COVID-19 isolation. But did you know they can carry that anxiety into adult life? A new review in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says that children and young people who are experiencing mental health issues […]

How is the Music Industry Fighting the Mental Health Crisis?

Every generation has lost some of their favorite musicians to addiction and mental illness, from Charlie Parker to Juice WRLD. A study from the Music Industry Research Association says that 50% of musicians have suffered from depression, and 12% had suicidal thoughts. Finally, the music industry has decided to do something about these troubling statistics.  […]

How Does Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman Link Social Anxiety with Addiction?

There are many factors that can lead you to develop substance abuse disorder whether it is the environment we live in or genetics. Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman believes another factor can be loneliness. By learning about the link between loneliness and addiction, we can promote communities to reach out to each other and further prevent the […]

How Twitter Can Predict Loneliness

Loneliness is not an issue that should be taken lightly as it can cause heart disease, stroke, dementia, and depression. With people being more comfortable posting their thoughts on social media, a new study showed how people who post about relationship problems, substance abuse, sleep issues, and mental health are revealing their loneliness. By paying […]

How to Deal with Loneliness When Living Alone

It is possible that you wanted to live by yourself in your new apartment because you wanted to achieve independence. It is not until the week has passed living in the new place that you realized just how depressed you have become because of your loneliness. By finding ways to occupy your time and keeping […]

How to Navigate Social Isolation in Addiction Recovery

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner during Recovery

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) means everyone is isolated from one another. Some have family, others are totally by themselves. If you have an addiction and mental health issues, it can mean becoming even further isolated. With addiction, or in recovery, this can be a dangerous thing. To stay healthy, people need social interaction. Mental health […]

5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness

How are Marijuana and Anxiety Related?

Loneliness is not healthy for anyone and it’s especially not healthy for anyone recovering from addiction or mental illness. Loneliness has been linked to greater risk of health problems, depression, and early death. No one wants to be lonely but it’s not always easy to know what to do about it. Here are some suggestions […]