Tag Archives: Love

What Can You Do When You Feel a Lack of Support?

You may be struggling with addiction or mental health issues and feel like you are not getting the support you need in your recovery. You might be thinking that no one will ever understand you or that people are too afraid to talk to you. Instead of letting your imagination run wild, try increasing your […]

Why are People Having Virtual Affairs to Cope with Their Stress?

virtual affair

Stress can cause you to behave in ways you would otherwise find unacceptable. According to the journal Family Process, data suggests that Americans are having virtual affairs in response to the stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19. Learning how to manage anxiety before it gets out of hand can help to keep you and […]

Can We Learn to Love Ourselves in Recovery?

Coping With Crisis During Recovery

Addiction recovery is one of the hardest, most rewarding processes of a person’s life. Because it pushes us to re-discover ourselves, we come out stronger than we ever thought possible. Resilience is at the heart of recovery, and part of becoming more resilient is learning how we can love ourselves – through the good and […]

Healing Generational Patterns

generational patterns

Reflecting on our family’s influence can be challenging, painful, and rewarding. This process allows us to see how parental patterns have impacted our behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. However, each generation carries the opportunity to heal, improve, or end the patterns of the previous one, which is an incredible gift. Consider the masculine or male role […]