Tag Archives: Marijuana

What Is the Link Between Marijuana and Psychosis?


Psychosis is defined as a disconnect from reality, in which an individual experiences hallucinations or delusions they perceive to be real. While psychosis can be a symptom of many mental health disorders, it can also be caused by marijuana use. If you have are experiencing psychosis as a result of heavy marijuana use, it may […]

Why Should We Worry About Teen Marijuana Use?

Why Should We Worry About Teen Marijuana Use?

Teens may think that smoking or consuming marijuana is harmless compared to abusing “harder” drugs like cocaine or heroin. However, even casual marijuana use comes with its own risks that pose negative side effects for teens’ developing brains. The CDC states that marijuana use in teens “can have harmful and long-lasting effects on a teen’s […]

What Are the Risks of Smoking Marijuana Every Day?

People use marijuana for several reasons, such as chronic pain relief, cancer treatments, or to help them relax. While it may be legal in many states now, smoking marijuana every day does not come without consequences. To avoid experiencing the negative effects of marijuana addiction, it is essential to seek treatment options as soon as […]

Understanding Symptoms of Marijuana Withdrawal


With the recent influx of states around the US legalizing medicinal and recreational marijuana, the amount of users has understandably increased in recent years. Even though there is now a larger population of people using marijuana, many believe that marijuana is not addictive. However, the drug can be addictive and cause you to experience withdrawal […]

Why Doesn’t Marijuana Maintenance Work?


Recovery from alcoholism can be tough and requires a lot of effort into attending therapy, taking medication, going to meetings, and more. Some people feel like replacing alcohol with marijuana is a rational approach to addiction recovery since they feel like marijuana is harmless. The truth is that replacing one addiction with another through marijuana […]

How Can Marijuana Negatively Affect How You Recover Post-Surgery?


Patients may be afraid to tell their doctors that they used marijuana the night before their surgeries, for fear of being judged. However, it’s important to let your doctor know about your marijuana use, as it affects the use of anesthesia and how you recover. By seeking treatment for chronic marijuana use, you will not […]

The Risks of Increasingly High THC Potency in Modern Marijuana


Ever since the popularity of marijuana in the United States began in the 1960s, the THC levels have been ever increasing. However, they have been exponentially increasing since marijuana became legalized in select states across the US. This has been devastating for those using the drug as it makes it that much more addictive. As […]

Legalization May Lead to Declines in Use: Research Finds Marijuana Use Decreased in the Wake of Legalization

marijuana legalization

An analysis of federal-based survey data shows that before the United States legalized marijuana, more Americans were struggling with frequent, problematic use. The research found that there is an apparent decline in daily marijuana use among those who may have a cannabis use disorder.    The Study The study focused on data from the annual […]

Marijuana and Driving

It is illegal to drive while you have a lot of alcohol in your system because it can impair your judgment, lose focus, and slows down your reflexes while you are behind the wheel, leading to a serious car accident. Marijuana can have the same consequences. Being aware of the dangers you can face driving […]

Marijuana and Anxiety

Many people rely on marijuana to help them with their anxiety. The THC found in marijuana has been known to provide people with a calming experience that temporarily relieves anxiety symptoms. By learning about healthier options to reduce your anxiety symptoms, you will no longer have to depend on cannabis to help calm you down. […]