Tag Archives: Men’s Treatment Program

Take Up a Distraction

Covid-19 Treatment

Life can be overwhelming, making it harder to make healthy decisions. Oftentimes, mental health issues are hard to manage when you’re under a lot of stress. When life gets a little out of control it’s important to have a distraction to help you practice self-care. This is especially true when there’s nothing you can do […]

Balancing Seasonal, Holiday, and COVID Related Depression


A lot is going on in the world right now. We’re in a pandemic, the holidays are coming, and many people are suffering from seasonal depression as we experience less sunlight during the winter months. It’s a stressful time of year in normal circumstances, and this year seems to be even more stressful due to […]

Hope Is Fundamental for Recovery

Happy couple

Addiction recovery is a continuous battle on a long journey. You will have times of great success where you feel like you’re on top of the world and you will also have times of great struggle. While everyone’s journey to recovery is unique, with different valleys and hills to go through, it is important to […]

The Journey to the Right Medication

Happy family

It can be hard to find the right medical treatment for a recovering addict who is also struggling with other mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or schizophrenia. People want medications that will help them function through their day with the least amount of distracting side effects. Often people who struggle with addiction […]

Destigmatizing Crying in Recovery


There is a lot of anti-crying stigma in American culture, especially when it comes to men. This is partly because crying is seen as “unmanly” and partly because people often don’t know how to handle another person’s exposed feelings. However, crying is often an important part of the emotional process that people go through in […]

Are You Ever Cured of Addiction?

The dominant model of addiction right now is that addiction is a chronic, progressive disease, meaning you will always have it and, unless you get treatment, it will continue to get worse. This puts addiction in the company of conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, and diabetes and, according to the National Institute on Drug […]