Tag Archives: Mental Health Disorders

Are Schizophrenics Dangerous?

Are Schizophrenics Dangerous? 3 Myths About People With Schizophrenia
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How Has COVID-19 Led to a Rise in Mental Health Disorders?

How Has COVID-19 Led to a Rise in Mental Health Disorders?

The COVID-19 disease has been very contagious this year. New research has shown that one in five people diagnosed with COVID-19 is also diagnosed with a mental illness like anxiety, depression, or insomnia within three months. Addressing your mental health issues is one of the most important things you can do while you are tackling […]

What Are the Differences Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder?


Borderline personality disorder is when you experience ongoing shifts in mood and behavior, whereas bipolar disorder is when a person’s mood fluctuates. These two mental disorders can change a person’s moods and energy levels, as well as influence their behaviors. Additionally, it says something about how they handle emotions. However, there are differences in the […]