Tag Archives: Mental Health Issues

Relapse: What Is the Cause, and What Prevents It?

Relapse: What Is the Cause

Concern about relapse is common for recovering addicts and their loved ones. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 40-60 percent of those in recovery will relapse. (www.drugabuse.gov) There are many causes for relapse and practices to help prevent the possibility.    Addiction: Addiction is a chronic disease, and recovery is a life-long process. […]

The Mental Health Benefits of Being Single

You may think that being single is the end of the world when you see all of your friends and relatives in a healthy relationship. The truth is that being single is a great way to get to know who you are instead of who you are with that person. Being single can allow you […]

How Can Tournaments on Streaming Sites Start Thinking About Mental Health?


There are tournament streaming sites like Twitch where you can win prize money up to $200 million playing eSports. In order to be focused and continue playing, people tend to take Adderall and Ritalin. It is important for these streaming sites to pay attention to the lack of sleep these players are experiencing to protect […]

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Surviving a Car Accident?

Being in a car accident can actually be a very traumatic experience. Some mental health symptoms can occur at the scene of the accident or days or weeks after. It is important to recognize these troubling feelings you are having after a car accident so that you can manage them. What is the Aftermath of […]

How Do Reality TV Shows Take Care of the Mental Health of the Contestants?


Contestants may not know what they are getting into when they sign up to participate in a reality show. If people need to be shut up in a house away from the outside world like in “Big Brother,” competing for the affection of a male suitor in “The Bachelor,” or scrounging for food after plotting […]

The Mental Health Effects of Cuddling

Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone needs a hug once in a while. It can be a great source of comfort not just if you are feeling happy about something, but if you need to hold onto someone when times get tough. A recent study has shown that hugs can do wonders […]

How to Watch Your Mental Health in the Fall

Summer is over and a new season has started. Maybe you have gone back to school or it is another business season and you are feeling stressed. It is important to be in check with your mental health this fall to avoid your mental illness symptoms going out of control. Pay Attention You may have […]