Tag Archives: Mental Health Problems

How Can You Respond When Your Friends’ Self-Talk is Negative?

recovery goals

You may have friends that talk to no end about how much they do not like themselves. You want to help, but you do not know if it is your place to do so. By being sympathetic with your friends and making them feel loved, you can be saving someone’s mental health. Address it Directly […]

The Financial Cost of Ignoring Mental Health at Work

The giant stigma surrounding mental health is hurting businesses. Because more people are not willing to go into treatment, call-outs or losing your job can cause companies to hit a financial blunder. By erasing the stigma of mental health in the workplace, employees can keep their jobs and businesses can continue to thrive. Hard Financial […]

Which Comes First–Addiction or Depression?

Which Comes First--Addiction or Depression?

At least half of people with substance use disorders have a co-occurring mental health issue. Common dual diagnoses include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia. For many of these, it’s clear that the mental health issue came first. Many have strong genetic components and symptoms of […]

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

Sometimes it’s hard to separate the legitimate concerns about social media from the hysteria. For example, there was a mild panic about social media addiction. While it’s true that social media platforms are designed to be as addictive as possible, most experts agree that comparing social media addiction to alcohol or opioid addiction is absurd. […]