Tag Archives: Mental Health

How to Cope With a Mental Health Diagnosis


Receiving a mental health diagnosis can prompt an influx of emotions in the aftermath. For some, receiving the diagnosis will result in a sense of relief as they finally have a name for the symptoms they have been experiencing. For others, receiving the diagnosis can result in feelings of shame, embarrassment, denial, anger, or hopelessness. […]

Facing Criticism of Taking Medication in Recovery


Taking medication while in recovery helps many people maintain their sobriety and manage their mental health. However, medication in recovery has become a controversial topic as some groups claim it is “replacing one addiction for another.” Some people are even told they aren’t sober because of their medications that their treatment team prescribed. This criticism […]

The Beneficial Role of Art Therapy in Addiction Recovery


When it comes to addiction treatment, many people often think of medications, various forms of therapy, group meetings, etc. What doesn’t come to mind immediately is different forms of experiential therapies, such as art therapy. Art therapy has been used for people of all ages, genders, backgrounds, and more to help treat mental health and […]

Using Triggers to Reveal What You Need to Heal

depression illustration

Triggers can be associated with mental health, trauma, and substance abuse. They are environmental cues that remind individuals of past traumatic experiences and can include things such as colors, songs, certain words, names, smells, and more. Triggers vary from person to person and are often quite distressing when experienced, even if the person has ways […]

How Can Parents Deal with the Stress of Homeschooling During the Pandemic?

Man turning air conditioning on while watching football with grandson

Homeschooling may be very new to you since you had to keep your kids at home because of the pandemic. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during the school year since you have not homeschooled your kids before. It is best to create a simple homeschooling routine for you and your kids and […]

Statements to Help Cope With Painful Flashbacks

Trauma Healing

When you experience flashbacks related to past trauma or other painful experiences, it can be challenging to get through them. Flashbacks often occur in those that have experienced past events that may have negatively impacted them and serve as a way for the brain to process what happened. Flashbacks will continue to come back until […]

Why Are Kids Afraid to Talk to Their Parents About Their Mental Health?


Kids tend to think that their parents expect perfection. Telling their parents about their mental illness symptoms would mean exposing their faults. Consequently, many kids suffer in silence to avoid ‘disappointing’ their parents. This is unfortunate, as no one should have to navigate mental health issues alone. There is no shame in struggling with mental […]

What Concerns Would a Parent with a Mental Illness Have?


The Anxiety and Depression Association of America says that 40 million Americans deal with anxiety disorders. Many adults contemplate whether or not to be a parent based on their mental illness diagnosis. By speaking to a therapist about the concerns you have around being a parent, you will see that having a mental illness should […]

What are Questions to Ask Your Employees to Check Their Mental Health?


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lot of people having to take their work online. A recent survey by Mental Health America says that 42% of those employed say their current stress levels are either high or very high. When managers ask their employees questions about their mental health aside from “How are you […]