Tag Archives: Mental Health

How Do You Protect the Mental Health of an Infant?


An infant may not know how to walk or talk yet, but that does not mean that their mental health is spared. The interactions that parents have with their children can affect their emotional stability as they grow up. Parents must create a stable environment and watch out for signs of mental health issues in […]

How Have People Cared for Their Mental Health During the Pandemic

Smiling man

The COVID-19 pandemic has been very taxing on people’s mental health. Many have been feeling more stressed and more anxious than usual as the result of living in isolation and wondering what the future will hold. Amidst the economic crisis and shutdowns, EcoWatch has found that people are finding surprising ways to care for their […]

How Has Anxiety Changed in 2020?

Man Sanitizing Hands

With COVID-19, there have been changes among those who had pre-existing anxiety. While some people’s anxiety has worsened in 2020 as a result of the pandemic, others have reported a measured improvement. When asked by the Huffington Post, people with anxiety explained that the pandemic has allowed them to slow down and focus more on […]

Lessons From Bad Days

Learning Lessons

Everyone has had bad days in their recovery where they feel down, hopeless, and like they can’t continue. These days can feel debilitating and as though life is out to get you. However, while bad days are unpleasant, they are crucial to your recovery because they build your strength. The good days will motivate you […]

How Can You Use a Walk To Calm Your Anxiety?


There has been an increase in anxiety and depression lately because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, instead of relying on a job, a political leader, or any other external influence to make you happy, you can learn to be responsible for your own internal happiness. A great way to maintain a sense of happiness and […]

How Come Men Suffer From Body Dysmorphia?

Lack of confidence

Body image and body dysmorphia in men tend to be a neglected area of research, as these issues are more common in women. Men think that they need to be tall, lean and muscular, have a large penis, and a full head of hair. It is important for men to be confident about the way […]

How To Stop A Panic Attack In Its Tracks

Deep Breathing

Panic attacks can be debilitating and terrifying for those that experience them. Often, panic attacks occur in individuals with a panic disorder, but they can occur in anyone. Those with other mental health disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, specific phobias, or a history of trauma can also experience panic attacks. It is essential to educate […]

Understanding Alcoholism in Men


Alcoholism can affect anyone, but it is more common amongst men. Why is this? New studies have gleamed new light into understanding why men are more likely to struggle with alcoholism than women, which has opened a new door in the ways alcoholism is treated. Understanding how alcoholism affects men’s bodies and overall lives can […]

How Can Color Affect Your Mental Health?


You may notice that designers and homeowners spend a lot of time focusing on what colors to bring into a space. Sometimes, a room is painted white to make it look pure or red to give it energy. By understanding the mindfulness of colors, you can decide which colors positively affect your mental health. The […]

Learning to Cope With a Mental Health Diagnosis

All you may want when you know something is wrong is confirmation from someone else that what you are experiencing is real, especially regarding mental health. Mental health is typically surrounded by stigmas that often cause people to doubt their own experiences. Getting a confirmation in the form of a diagnosis can be relieving for […]