Tag Archives: Mental Health

Why Do We Need Structure?

Why Do We Need Structure?

The first step in recovery is admitting that we are powerless over drugs or alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable. Addicts often live their lives in a self-centered way – doing whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it. A lot of us come from chaotic homes where our environment […]

How Do I Build a Healthy Support System

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

Perhaps the Beatles said it best – “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Letting go of toxic, unhealthy relationships is an important part of recovery. But learning how to let new people into our lives who can help make us better is equally important – and sometimes it’s easier said than […]

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

We hear of others telling their stories in recovery all the time – but you may be thinking, “Why should I do this?” Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or have been working towards sobriety for quite some time, it’s an important question to ask yourself. Sharing your story is a vulnerable task. […]

Why Consider Long-Term Treatment?

Long-Term Treatment

One of the most common myths about recovery is that treatment is a “quick fix” or something that can be done over a few weeks or even a month and will “cure” a person’s mental health or addiction. While there may be some rare success stories that are fast, the reality is that recovery doesn’t […]

How Can We Heal in Recovery?

How Can We Heal in Recovery?|Healing

One of the most challenging moments of recovery involves waking up and getting to know what life is without substances or mental health afflictions. At the beginning of our recovery journey, we could feel a bitter sense of emptiness at times. Sometimes it’s a specific life event or substance abuse that brings out that empty […]

What Is Neuroticism?


We hear the term “neuroticism” used all the time, especially between friends, loved ones, and when discussing other people. What exactly does it mean? Why is it used so much, and is it being used correctly? Neuroticism is characterized by an individual’s tendency to experience negative emotions, particularly in response to stress. People who are […]

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?

How Do Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Form?|Coping

In everyday life, we’re faced with countless stressors that might weigh heavily on our hearts, give us headaches, or make us curl up in a ball of anxiety. If we don’t have the right support system and ways of managing these stressors, that’s when we may find that we’re caught in a trap of unhealthy […]

Using Social Media to Track Alcohol Use

Using Social Media to Track Alcohol Use

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published research from Boston Children’s Hospital that proves the importance of accessing people’s alcohol-related tweets and online searches to track alcohol use and trends. Collecting data on public health is an expensive and slow process when utilizing large survey-based studies. Alcohol use is particularly challenging to precisely track at […]

Why is it Easier for Millennials to Talk About Mental Health Now?

Historically, people in their 50s or 60s are often ashamed to talk about mental health, leaving many cases undiagnosed. Now, we live in a world where people are not afraid to be public about their lives through social media. As millennials continue to break the stigma of mental illness, fewer people are going untreated, and […]